Archives of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
To access the document you would like to read, copy/paste the # - call number from the following listings into the corresponding box on the search page. If you require a particular year you can type that into the Search box.
Listing of All Documents
Listing of Documents by Dr. Cheddi Jagan
Listing of Documents by Mrs. Janet Jagan
You are welcome to utilize any of Dr. Jagan's and Mrs. Jagan's writings for your personal use, but please remember that they are Copyrighted and are not for Commercial use.
# |
Title |
1793 |
East Indian Artifacts in Trinidad and Tobago |
291 |
East Indian impact in the Caribbean |
4867 |
Economic and Social Policy Reform and Rehabilitation of Guyana |
369 |
Economic and Social Progress in Latin America : 1995 Report |
4428 |
Economic Commission for Latin America |
356 |
Economic Cooperation Agreement between the Venezuela investment fund and the Bank of Guyana |
1972 |
Economic Retrogression |
378 |
Economic, Social, Educational Conditions |
1367 |
Economism and Reformism (Straight Talk) |
5242 |
Economy - 1991 |
5203 |
Editorial - After 25 Years |
4570 |
Editorial: History and Consensus. |
540 |
Editorial: No B.G Poll |
349 |
Editorials by Cheddi Jagan// Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Richard Gott, The Pelican Latin American Library |
1437 |
Editorials in PPP Publications |
6049 |
Education And The Drive To Integrate Society. |
5252 |
Education in Crisis (Straight talk) |
2680 |
Education, Cooperatives and Social Security Benefits under PPP Government |
4758 |
Education. |
1854 |
Educational setbacks under PNC, 1972 |
1512 |
Effort by the Prime Minister of Trinidad to achieve a settlement in British Guiana |
1761 |
Election Commission (Straight talk) |
2760 |
Election Engineering - (Observer Article) |
2036 |
Election Fraud in Guyana |
4462 |
Election in Guyana Open new States of Struggles |
6007 |
Election Results 1964. |
4816 |
Elections Commission Being Given Run-Around |
6924 |
Elections Crooked as Barbed Wire - 1985 Elections |
5244 |
Elections Demands - 1991 |
2498 |
Elections Dogged by Fraud (Straight talk) |
4784 |
Elections in Guyana - 1991 |
1602 |
Elections in Guyana// Letter from Chairman of Elections Commission 1991//Statement by Cheddi Jagan Nov 11, 1991 |
525 |
Electoral fraud in Guyana - 1968 |
6516 |
Electoral Fraud in Guyana//National Registration and Electoral Fraud |
5481 |
Electoral Issues |
233 |
Electoral Law |
5815 |
Electoral Observation 1997 - OAS |
6659 |
Emergency Orders to Janet Jagan and Cheddi Jagan - 1954 |
5390 |
Emergency Order to Adjoda Singh - 1953 |
4946 |
Employer - Government and Capitalist (Straight Talk) |
2741 |
Empowering the People - (Observer Article) |
5838 |
End Exploitation, Distribute more equitably |
524 |
End of a Colonial Era |
2030 |
End of an Era (Straight talk) |
2780 |
End Political, Economic and Cultural Dependency - (Observer Article) |
2571 |
End Starvation in Midst of Plenty (Straight talk) |
6343 |
End the Carnage in Gaza |
2169 |
Ending of an Era (Straight talk) |
499 |
Enmore Martyrs (Straight talk) |
330 |
Entertainment expenditure, 1957-1959/ |
2436 |
Epilogue of "The Caribbean: Whose Backyard" |
2708 |
Epilogue to "Forbidden Freedom" - 1994 |
2580 |
Equal Security for a Lasting Peace (Straight talk) |
4897 |
Equality - The Basis of Policy - Straight Talk |
4681 |
Erosion of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom in the Commonwealth, Caribbean and Guyana. |
5738 |
Eternal Glory to the October Revolution. |
4412 |
Ethnic Conflict and Development: The Case of Guyana. |
108 |
Excerpts from the Document of the Conference of Latin American and the Caribbean Communist Parties, June 1975 : Appendix 9 |
990 |
Exchange of Despatches between the Governor of British Guiana and the State for the colonies on the recommendations contained in the Constitutional Commission's report |
1993 |
Excuses for Failures (Straight Talk) |
4226 |
Executive Council Meetings - Dec 1960 - Jan 1961 |
5928 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D1, 1961 |
925 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D127, 1961 |
600 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D128, 1961 |
541 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D136, 1961 |
929 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D3, 1961 |
1048 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D305, 1961 |
1283 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D317, 1961 |
6174 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D332, 1960 |
6175 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D333, 1960 |
6177 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D334, 1960 |
6179 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D335, 1960 |
6181 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D336, 1960 |
4227 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D337, 1960 |
6249 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D342 - 1960 |
6240 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D344/1960 |
6214 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D345/1960 |
6217 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D346, 1960 |
865 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D348, 1960 |
851 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D350, 1960 |
936 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D351, 1960//Importation of Prohibited Poultry Carcasses |
855 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D352, 1960 |
1720 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D353, 1960 |
1227 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D355, 1960 |
1231 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D356, 1961 |
1096 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D357, 1960 |
1095 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D358, 1960 |
1111 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D359, 1960 |
927 |
Executive Council Memorandum - D4, 1961 |
6269 |
Executive Council Memorandum #338 |
6163 |
Executive Council Memorandum -D165/1959 |
6259 |
Executive Council Memorandum D340 - 1960 |
6254 |
Executive Council Memorandum D341 - Dec 17, 1960 |
6245 |
Executive Council Memorandum. D343 - 1960 |
6757 |
Exodus of Guyanese (Straight Talk) |
4375 |
Explanatory Note of Proposal in the Draft 1960-19964 Development Plan |
1362 |
Exploding Ghettoes (Straight Talk) |
4862 |
Exposed! PNC shameful stand on vote at 18. |
5385 |
Extract from Conclusions of the Council of Ministers - May 1962 |
5697 |
Extract from Intelligence Report June 1963 |
4418 |
Extract from the United Nations General Assembly. |
4548 |
Extracts from an interview with Dr. Cheddi Jagan |
5980 |
Extracts from Local Press Containing Anti-Government Propaganda on 1961 Budget. |
6615 |
Extracts from the Legislative Council (Elections) Ordinance, 1945 |
982 |
Extracts from Meeting of the Council of Ministers January 1962 |
5988 |
Extracts from various publications |
6037 |
Extracts of speech made by Dr. Jagan before magistrate Sharples on Monday April 12, 1954 |
1692 |
Eyewitness Account of the Disturbances in Wismar - 1964 |
6706 |
Facing Up to Climate Changes and Global Price Increases |
6554 |
Fact sheet on 1978 Referendum, New Registration, TUC and Jonestown |
5429 |
Fact Sheet - Sugar - PPP Position Paper. |
6603 |
Facts about British Guiana |
4834 |
Facts for Fighters by Cheddi Jagan - Historic Dates |
463 |
Fall of living standard under the PNC and Hoyte |
2328 |
Falsifiers of Guyanese History |
719 |
Fascist Tyranny enters British Guiana |
633 |
Father Hardless VS President Jagan |
92 |
February Revolt |
1415 |
Federation - Jamaica's Folly |
4994 |
Federation - notes |
5990 |
Federation - Nov 1951 |
72 |
Federation in Trouble |
70 |
Federation of British Caribbean Territories |
6756 |
Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) - Straight Talk |
71 |
Federation with Dominion Status |
2148 |
Fielden's Mania (Straight talk) |
5877 |
Fight against discrimination. |
4926 |
Fight Clean in Party Elections - Message from General Secretary |
94 |
Fight for Decent Standards |
2132 |
Fight for Decent Standards (Straight talk) |
2630 |
Fight For Free and Fair Elections Continues - Straight Talk |
1144 |
Fight the Anti-Communists (Straight Talk) |
5093 |
Fighting Bureaucracy & Believing in the People |
6025 |
Fighting for Federation. |
248 |
Filariasis Investigations and Control - British Guiana |
296 |
Final Agenda as Approved by Standing Federation Committee |
1924 |
Financial Aid to BG not Enough |
240 |
Financial Matters//Financial administration and audit ordinance/ |
5638 |
Financial Report of Grace Consumers Cooperative Society Ltd. |
358 |
Financing Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Cooperative Republic of Guyana |
180 |
Financing of the Development Programme 1956-1960 |
474 |
Financing the Development programme/ |
4224 |
First Legislative Council - First Session - Sixth Sitting - Nov 1, 1961 |
1379 |
First Parliament of Guyana - Second session - 1968 |
4709 |
Fish Farming |
6304 |
Five Years to Register 400,000 voters is Surely Sufficient Time! |
2131 |
Floods and Agriculture |
4934 |
Flour Done, Bread Dead, Mill Closing Wed |
4757 |
Flying of Flags on Public Buildings |
6100 |
Foes of Jagan Held As Guiana Plotters. |
2675 |
Folk models in agriculture//Class conflict and racist ideology in the formation of modern Guyanese society, 1977/ |
6709 |
For a Balanced and Honest Media! |
4185 |
For a Constituent Assembly |
1741 |
For a New Global Humanitarian Order |
6619 |
For a New Zimbabwe (Straight talk) |
6337 |
For a Nuclear Free World |
1841 |
For a Truly Independent Guiana |
2707 |
For Genuine Development |
808 |
For Honest and Progressive Government//Programme of the PPP |
4925 |
For More and Better Democracy for a Democratic Constitution for Trinidad and Tobago |
2568 |
For Tass Correspondent - August 13, 1987 |
6728 |
For the Cause of the Working Class, for the Interests of All Working People |
2336 |
For Unity in the Face of Reaction and Fascism |
6735 |
For Workers' Benefit and Welfare - Labour Legislation since October 1957 |
5962 |
Foreign Minister says Miami Summit was both Historic and Useful |
389 |
Forging new partnerships for development: a long-range view from development countries perspectives |
228 |
Form and composition of the Legislature//Further matters concerning the legislature. |
435 |
Formative years of the rice industry in British Guiana |
2081 |
Fortress America (Straight talk) |
2588 |
Forty Years: An Advance |
5373 |
Forward by President Jagan on Iwokrama Programme |
750 |
Forward in Unity |
4783 |
Fourteen Meeting of the Conference of Head of Government of the Caribbean Community. |
5710 |
Fourth Legislative Council. Fourth Session 1951-1952. |
5272 |
Fraud and Forge in Guyana |
915 |
Free and Fair Elections (Straight talk) |
75 |
Free Trade |
2077 |
Free Trade (Straight talk) |
77 |
Free Trade and Development |
286 |
Freedom and Democracy |
5107 |
Freedom for British Guiana |
2456 |
Freedom House |
1791 |
Freedom House Opens |
6370 |
Freedom in our Time |
1804 |
Freedom of Speech, Assembly & Association |
1697 |
Freedom of the Press - (Observer Article) |
2527 |
From Anti-communism to Detente (Straight talk) |
1954 |
From De-Colonisation to Re-Colonisation (Straight Talk) |
2784 |
From Montego Bay to Georgetown |
2734 |
From Step to Step One Makes Progress - Interview by Sharif Khan |
749 |
From This Day Forward |
1967 |
From Truman Doctrine to Johnson Doctrine - Straight Talk |
1984 |
Frustration, Economism, Reformism (Straight Talk) |
6711 |
Fulfilling an Election Promise |
11 |
Funding for Human Development |
5165 |
Fundy Power - Another Columbia?/World Electrical Manufacturing Giants/ |
1132 |
Funeral Oration at Parliament Buildings |
944 |
Further Note on The Labour Relations Bill & Strike Situation to 28th June, 1963 |
294 |
Future is bright (Concert Programme) - 1962 with poems |
2682 |
Future of the Rice Industry |
587 |
G.I.S Press Conference 6th September 1956 |
6909 |
GAWU 13th Congress - 1991 |
5998 |
GAWU and the International Trade Union movement. |
5663 |
GAWU to all TUC Delegates. |
1783 |
GAWU's 10 Points Demand |
5214 |
General Council Report of the 16th Congress of the People's Progressive Party |
1442 |
General Elections 1957 |
6471 |
General Elections in British Guiana - 1957 |
4518 |
General Elections in British Guiana -1961 |
1267 |
General strike in British Guiana 1963//Resumption of work after strikes 1963 |
5695 |
General Strikes end in Guiana. |
146 |
Georgetown Declaration on the New Global Human Order, 1996. |
5941 |
Gesperk met Dr. Cheddi Jagan |
2060 |
Gestapo Methods (Straight talk) |
2829 |
Get Rich Quick Wallingfords - (Observer Article) |
5126 |
Glimpses of Martin Carter in his Early Years/A Tribute to the late Martin Carter |
5862 |
Global Agri Affair. |
29 |
Global Dilemma - Economic Growth, Sustainable Development and Debt Burden |
2752 |
Global Realities - (Observer Article) |
4255 |
Globalization backlash is serious. |
2277 |
Glorious Future Opening Up (Straight Talk) |
6691 |
Going Nowhere on the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq Invasion |
353 |
Golf Club to be converted into Public Recreational Park |
6714 |
Gossip Influenced Surveys |
1334 |
Government Axes the Poor (Straight Talk) |
884 |
Government Documents relating to Internal Security and Police Force - 1960 |
5995 |
Government Information Services - 1956 |
5884 |
Government must face realities. |
6016 |
Government revenues from Demerara Bauxite Company |
468 |
Governments policy regarding Guianisation of the public service and the related training of the officers |
450 |
Government's Proposals on the Recommendations Contained in the Report on Local Government in British Guiana |
252 |
Governor's Broadcast about London Visit - July 31st, 1958 |
462 |
Governor's Broadcast//Statement by Her Majesty's Government |
5854 |
Govt treading on 'sensitive ground'//Planned Immigration |
2173 |
Grave Problems Facing the People |
2427 |
Great Injustice Done to Jagan - Schlesinger |
354 |
Greenwood and the Rule of Law |
4995 |
Greetings to 50th Anniversary of Formation of USSR |
103 |
Grenada Declaration, 1971 |
1434 |
Grenadian Revolution |
5505 |
Growing support for drastic reforms in Emergent Nations |
1186 |
Growing up |
5687 |
Growth and Consolidation of PNC Bureaucratic, Mediatory and National Bourgeoisie. |
6369 |
Guarantees and Liberties of the Guianese People |
6224 |
Guards kill in British Guiana. |
2681 |
Guatemalan Intrusion |
737 |
Guiana - The road backwards |
6449 |
Guiana (Still) British |
6222 |
Guiana Peace Formula. |
6223 |
Guiana strikers agree to go back. |
6145 |
Guiana, an Unripe Colony. |
6074 |
Guiana: Record Straightening? |
784 |
Guiana's New Government |
1159 |
Guiana's struggle against Fascism and Freedom |
1145 |
Guianese workers forging new unity |
2040 |
Guilt Complex (Straight talk) |
1956 |
Gunboat and Dollar Diplomacy (Straight talk) |
2745 |
Gunboat Diplomacy and Independence (Observer Article) |
5602 |
Guyana - 1964 |
626 |
Guyana - A Case For Special And Differential Treatment in Global Trade Liberalisation |
2290 |
Guyana - A Reply to Critics |
2341 |
Guyana - Cheddi Jagan |
2202 |
Guyana - Conversation with Cheddi Jagan |
588 |
Guyana - The Truth |
2431 |
Guyana a Bed of Thorns (Booklet of Straight talks) |
2116 |
Guyana A New Stage |
2269 |
Guyana a New Stage of Struggle |
1797 |
Guyana Agricultural and General Workers' Union presention to the 5th Caribbean Solidarity Conference |
129 |
Guyana and Non-Alignment |
1440 |
Guyana at the Crossroads (Straight talk) |
4258 |
Guyana Broadcasting Corporation - Developments over the past two years. |
5803 |
Guyana can become symbol of Hope. |
1868 |
Guyana Current - 1981 |
4400 |
Guyana Disturbed by Identity Lists - Jagan Says Front for CIA |
917 |
Guyana Environmental Monitoring and Conservation Organisation |
4298 |
Guyana Faces new struggle against the ruling elite |
617 |
Guyana Fast Approaching Revolutionary Situation |
6925 |
Guyana's Foreign Policy - Securing Peace and Development for the 21st Century - 1996 |
1961 |
Guyana Heading Towards Dictatorship |
511 |
Guyana Health Plan 1995// Statistics 1985-1993 |
238 |
Guyana Human Rights Association - Ruling Party Exhausts All Remedies |
1532 |
Guyana in Transition |
5523 |
Guyana in Trouble (Straight talk) |
1754 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - 1968-1988 |
1756 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - 1982 |
1748 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - 1984 |
1752 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - 1988 |
1767 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - 1989 |
1765 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - 1990 |
1762 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - 1991 |
1759 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - 1992 |
5744 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - Dec 1981 |
1763 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - Feb. 1981 |
4386 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - Feb. 1991 |
6480 |
Guyana Information Bulletin - Sept. 1981 |
363 |
Guyana Instrument of full power regarding loan to Japan |
2519 |
Guyana is a Caricom Problem (Straight talk) |
1361 |
Guyana is no Model - Straight Talk |
6566 |
Guyana Manufacturers' Association input for the 1996 national budget |
4732 |
Guyana Moves to Nationalise Industry |
5393 |
Guyana Need Political Solution |
394 |
Guyana Needs New Elections |
5679 |
Guyana needs New Policy. |
61 |
Guyana Parliament Supports Call for Global Strategy to Combat Poverty |
4810 |
Guyana Prospect |
6593 |
Guyana Recent Economic Developments ... 1992-95 |
6730 |
Guyana Relief Council's 12th Anniversary |
2626 |
Guyana Reinforcing Neo-colonialism (Straight talk) |
1385 |
Guyana Retrogresses under PNC |
594 |
Guyana Review - The year of the break through - 1973 |
5193 |
Guyana Review -1996 |
4602 |
Guyana Revisited by Dr. Joost Sluis |
1464 |
Guyana Rice Exports to Jamaica -1993//Draft Letters from President Jagan |
2210 |
Guyana Smelter (Straight talk) |
4646 |
Guyana Sugar Corporation Limited - Report Oct. 1992 |
4748 |
Guyana Sugar Corporation Limited//Free Trade Fundamentalism |
6552 |
Guyana, Technical Assistance needs for Democracy and Sustainable Development 1994-1997 |
4603 |
Guyana Trades Union Congress |
2521 |
Guyana Update - from PPP -1986/07/19 |
1771 |
Guyana Upfront//Guyana: Thin life-line of opposition press threatened/ |
4246 |
Guyana Voice-Journal of the People's Progressive Party (United Kingdom Branch) |
2744 |
Guyana: A Case for Debt Relief - Memorandum to Group of 7 Summit |
4871 |
Guyana: A Dream Deferred |
1977 |
Guyana: Drift Towards Dictatorship |
4216 |
Guyana: New Heights to Election-Rigging |
125 |
Guyana: The Collapse and Recomposition of Post-Colonial Development State |
2704 |
Guyana: The Government's Vision of Development |
5410 |
Guyana: The St. Lucia Statement |
1935 |
Guyana: the struggle for liberation 1945-1992/ |
1912 |
Guyana: The Unexplained Constitution which made Burnham President |
4297 |
Guyana: thin life-line of opposition press threatened |
5134 |
Guyana: This is the Time For Healing |
2669 |
Guyana's 1980 General Elections: Monday 22nd December, 1980 |
88 |
Guyana's Alignment with Pro-Imperialist Axis |
4234 |
Guyana's Economy before and after Independence. |
1603 |
Guyana's growth is negative, economy in shambles |
134 |
Guyana's leader seeks New Global Human Order Agenda 21, Statement to United Nations on Agenda 21, 1997. |
64 |
Guyana's National Development Strategy |
1782 |
Guyana's Politics: (Part 1) - Guyana and the Cuban Revolution |
21 |
Guyana's Position on the Summit of the Americas |
5957 |
Guyana's third anniversary |
6409 |
Guyana's Women |
2457 |
Guyana's world-class leader deserves global recognition |
4233 |
1685 |
Guyanese Environmental Media//Structural Adjustment and Sustainability |
422 |
Guyanese under PNC a Miniature South Africa (Straight Talk) |
332 |
Guyanese Woman of the Century |
2524 |
Guysuco Uses Deformed Formula for AP (Straight talk) |
84 |
Haiti and Cuba |
2164 |
Haiti and Cuba (Straight talk) |
2322 |
Hands Off Vietnam |
2407 |
Handshake on the Elbe |
5083 |
Hark the Rolling of the Thunder |
4953 |
Hats off to Eric (Straight Talk) |
106 |
Havana Communique |
1174 |
Havana Conference |
6306 |
Have the US Military Invasions Made the World a Better Place to Live in? |
4579 |
Hawaiian Waste and Resources Utilization Potentials |
6066 |
Heads of delegations list to attend commonwealth Prime Ministers' meeting 1965 |
5459 |
Hearing of Petitioners Concerning British Guiana. |
576 |
Hearings before a Sub-Committee of the Committee of Appropriations for 1964 |
2453 |
Heartless Budget (Straight talk) |
2014 |
High Cost-of-living (Straight talk) |
6336 |
High Hope for a Change in the USA |
1209 |
Highways to Hell (Straight talk) |
6436 |
Hindsight and a Truth Commission |
2677 |
Historical background//Rehabilitation of the sugar Industry// |
5312 |
Historical Development of Women |
2775 |
Historical Truths - (Observer Article) |
4797 |
History Absolved PPP Leadership |
6491 |
History Must Not Repeat Itself |
338 |
History of British Guiana |
1518 |
History of the PPP |
5033 |
History of The PPP |
1167 |
Hitting At the History Changers( straight talk) |
6406 |
Honoring Janet Jagan Guyana Folk Festival Award |
2548 |
Hope for Oil (Straight talk) |
1840 |
Housing Broadcast by Janet Jagan |
1718 |
How Canadians Help Prop up Guyana`s Despots |
4506 |
How CIA acted in Latin America |
2679 |
How does the Party (PPP) deal with the Serious Loss of Cadres and Members due to Emigration? |
1374 |
How Free is the West? (Straight Talk) |
2248 |
How I Came to Know Lenin |
5728 |
How is Guyana Faring under Mr. Burnham. |
6395 |
How it was Then |
5700 |
How People Vote. |
2688 |
How the American Government Helped Burnham to Rig the 1968 Elections |
4843 |
How the CIA got rid of Jagan |
4651 |
How the Guyanese Travel - PNC Govt Officials |
6483 |
How the Pro-Colonialist Conspiracy Incited the Riots in British Guiana |
4372 |
How to Act Responsibly: How to Behave in the National Interest |
736 |
How to brush your teeth-1954 |
4904 |
How to Get Your Name on the Register of Voters |
5378 |
How to Vote |
1349 |
How Washington Interfered and Labour Leaders Changed Their Minds About Guyana |
6265 |
Hoyte says PNC preparing for snap elections. |
1527 |
Hoyte's Politics - A Total Disaster |
2440 |
Human Rights Must be Guaranteed |
6353 |
I am not related to the Rosenbergs |
6026 |
I Never Assaulted Policeman |
2659 |
Ideals: The Stuff of Life (Straight talk) |
6621 |
Ideological Pluralism (Straight talk) - 1983 |
1226 |
If the PNC were to rig, how could they do to make it hard to uncover and by what percentage? |
2625 |
IMF Leads to Bankruptcy (Straight talk) |
4830 |
IMF Medicine is No Cure (Straight talk) |
4228 |
Immediate Measures to Bring Relief - To Remove Bans Restore subsidies and pay a living minimum wage and STOP Dismissals. |
271 |
Imperialism's Destabilisation Attempts in Latin America |
4270 |
Imperialist Domination. |
2245 |
Imperialist intrigues in the Caribbean Region |
6752 |
Imperialist Plunder |
2347 |
Imperialists Reactivating the Cold War |
6167 |
Implications of Guiana riots. |
4730 |
Importance of the Elections Commission |
1352 |
Importance of West Indian Unity |
4594 |
Improvement of the quality of paddy and rice. |
706 |
In Defence of Working class |
5354 |
In Memoriam - Five Enmore Martyers//Aims & Programme of PPP |
4404 |
2386 |
Inaccurate Descriptions of Guyana's Development |
6387 |
Inaugural Address by President Janet Jagan at Presidential Investiture Ceremony at State House |
5563 |
Inaugural address to National Economic Council |
5150 |
Inaugural Lecture of Cheddi Jagan Lecture Series - York University, Canada (Sharing the Vision for Our Times) |
2614 |
Inconsistency in Haiti (Straight talk) |
6325 |
Increase the Retiring Age |
145 |
Independence |
5151 |
Independence - How The Struggle Began |
1611 |
Independence 1993 -Year of Rediscovery//Journey to freedom |
553 |
Independence and its Implications |
2781 |
Independence and Republic - (Observer Article) |
5722 |
Independence and the Future |
6439 |
Independence Day is a public holiday! |
2738 |
Independence or Republic - (Observer Article) |
757 |
Independence Question |
6411 |
Independence Speech - Let's Apply Our Creative Energies to Build Guyana |
2000 |
Independence to Neo-Colonialism (Straight Talk) |
1176 |
Independence Yes! Celebrations No! |
1179 |
Independence: Our 5 Demands (Straight talk) |
6544 |
Independence: The Start of a Dangerous Road |
2579 |
India - 40 Years' Struggle for Independence (Straight talk) |
2046 |
India at Crossroads, (Straight talk) |
1347 |
India Investigating CIA (Straight Talk) |
1913 |
Indian Immigration: Internal Dimensions of the Diaspora |
6511 |
Indian Indentureship |
402 |
Indo-Caribbean Political Leadership |
5404 |
Indonesia - Years of Independence. |
4903 |
Industrialization in Emergent Territories. |
4666 |
Insect Pests of Sugar Cane in Guyana. |
4972 |
Instead of Battling They Crawl (Straight Talk) |
6278 |
Instruments Appionting Senator Ashton Chase |
751 |
Instruments appointing Premier - Sept 5, 1961 |
74 |
Integration for Whom? |
2076 |
Integration for Whom? (Straight talk) |
2633 |
Intellectual Independence (Straight talk) |
6530 |
Intelligence (Police) Report for the Month of June,1963 |
6764 |
Inter-American Newspaperman's Day |
817 |
Intergovernmental Group on the Emergence of a Global Humanitarian Order - Synthesis of the Discussion at the First Meeting |
1583 |
Interior Special - March-April 1987 |
2053 |
Internal and External Fraud (Straight talk) |
2546 |
International Calamity (Straight talk) |
4996 |
International Cooperation Administration |
5503 |
International Credit Union Day 1961 - Message from Premier of British Guiana. |
4155 |
International Division of Labour and the Workers |
4990 |
International Monetary Fund - Guyana - Request for Stand-By Arrangement |
4977 |
International Monetary Fund Guyana |
4909 |
International Press Card - Janet Jagan |
5715 |
International Press Release on 1964 Disturbances |
2835 |
International Solidarity for Human Development - (Observer Article) |
6038 |
International Speakers Series |
4848 |
Intervention in Guyana (Straight talk) |
1779 |
Intervention of the Women's Progressive Organisation - Guyana to the World Conference for the mid-decade of women |
1300 |
Interview - British Guiana wants INDEPENDENCE IN 1962 |
1539 |
Interview by Cuban journalist Ernesto Nunez Jimenz |
2444 |
Interview by Frank Birbalsingh |
2732 |
Interview by Leaders Magazine |
6388 |
Interview by Martin Goolsarran & Claudette Earle |
2308 |
Interview by Tass Correspondent - 1978 |
6384 |
Interview by UNICEF |
6450 |
Interview given by the Hon. Janet Jagan in London |
2806 |
Interview in Guyana Review - On Independence |
2678 |
Interview in NACLA by Fred Rosen and Mario Murillo - February 1997 |
6759 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan - Political Settlement for Independence |
1815 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan - Why the PPP was removed from Government |
2206 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by "New Times" in Moscow - June 1974 |
1175 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by "New Times" on Situation in British Guiana |
1181 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by John Osman - BBC |
2316 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Mohamed Hamaludin |
1182 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Peter Reynolds - Canadian Broadcasting Co. |
745 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan by Rickey Singh - 1960 |
1816 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan on 1957 Elections |
1844 |
Interview of Cheddi Jagan on Radio Demerara |
4399 |
Interview of Dr. Jagan by Eva Chinitz. |
1632 |
Interview of the Premier on Independence Talks |
6749 |
Interview with Cheddi Jagan - 1987 |
6748 |
Interview with Cheddi Jagan - 1990 |
2348 |
Interview taped with Dr. Jagan - 1980 |
2598 |
Interview with "International Affairs" |
2513 |
Interview with BBC - 20th Independence Anniversary - May 1986 |
2531 |
Interview with Clem David - BBC Calling - 1986 |
2204 |
Interview with Dr. Jagan - People's World |
6508 |
Interview with Dr. Jagan Re: Cooking Oil |
2518 |
Interview with Novosti Press - 1986 |
5529 |
Interview With President Cheddi Jagan - 1993 |
2515 |
Interview with Sita Mohammed -20 Years of Independence - May 1986 |
846 |
Introducing Thunder - Organ of the PPP |
439 |
Introduction to Dr. Cheddi Jagan |
5706 |
Invite To the Opening of The Registered Office And Grading Bond. |
2149 |
Irregularities and Proxies (Straight talk) |
1180 |
Is Guyana to be a Link?(Straight talk) |
2004 |
Is Guyana to be Another Vietnam? |
729 |
Is Imperialism dead? April 1953 |
4861 |
Is Jamaica getting a good rice deal? |
2083 |
Is the PNC really Anti-imperialist? (Straight talk) |
6368 |
Ishmael Always Sags and Flops |
4519 |
Israel Must Stop Slaughter of Palestinians (Straight talk) |
577 |
Issues in Socio-economic development//Socio-economic indicators - 1991-1995 |
302 |
Issues of Constitutional Reform |
2629 |
Issues of US Elections (Straight talk) |
4414 |
Issues on Socio-Economic Development |
4505 |
J.M Campbell speaks to the people of British Guiana. |
6121 |
Jagan "Troops" plea delayed. |
4895 |
Jagan Advocates: Federation along Socialist Lines. |
6133 |
Jagan Aide holds troops came late. |
1218 |
Jagan answer D'Aguiar |
5355 |
Jagan Appeals to UN. |
6127 |
Jagan asks U.S Aid for "Socialist" Guyana. |
6464 |
Jagan call on PM to fulfill promise. |
6276 |
Jagan Challenges U.S On Aiding Guiana |
1806 |
Jagan Charges British Action, Challenges Basis for Democracy |
5991 |
Jagan Coming to India. |
4349 |
Jagan Commissions Omai Crusher. |
6207 |
Jagan crisis flares. |
6142 |
Jagan Discusses Guiana Aid Requests With President. |
4980 |
Jagan gives Account of Mission |
6247 |
Jagan outbursts dims settlement hopes. |
6122 |
Jagan 'Pushed Around'. |
1995 |
Jagan Says Elections Being Rigged in Guyana |
6136 |
Jagan Says He Will Form Army to Combat Opposition Violence. |
5357 |
Jagan Sends Secret Letter |
5472 |
Jagan Sure of West Indian Rice Market |
4539 |
Jagan The Phoenix//Great Injustice Done to Cheddi Jagan |
6115 |
Jagan Trade The Concern |
5860 |
Jagan wants Govt to recognize GDR |
6109 |
Jagan wants Trinidad-type constitution for B.G. |
5982 |
Jagan: looks after first things first. |
4517 |
Jagan: People must decide on WI Union. |
623 |
Jagan's Peace Plan for British Guiana |
6080 |
Janet Jagan appointed a member of the Central Board of Health - 1953 |
5683 |
Janet Jagan sees Castro. |
4935 |
Janet Jagan Xmas Message - Threshold of Independence |
5305 |
Janet Jagan's Letter to PPP supporters |
5963 |
Janet Jagan's Note to Her Father, Charles Rosenberg |
2459 |
Joe Slovo - A Great Patriot (Straight Talk) |
6548 |
Joint Declaration on Foreign Observers, Preliminary Vote-count, and Non-involvement of Military in Electoral Process |
1238 |
Joint opposition demand minimum conditions for free and fair elections//Joint statement by the PPP and Liberator Party/ |
1757 |
Journal of the British Guiana Museum and Zoo - 1958 & 1959 |
1370 |
Journey Through the West Indies (Straight Talk) |
5865 |
Joy ride says Dr. Jagan |
5241 |
Just Ice - Straight Talk |
6338 |
Justice to Guyana's workers |
2530 |
Kaldor and the Present Crisis (Straight talk) |
2406 |
Karl Marx and our times - The struggle for peace and Social Progress |
1169 |
Kashmir Another Cold War Victim (Straight talk) |
5344 |
Keep Communism Out, Guiana |
2795 |
Keep Hope Alive - (Observer Article) |
4788 |
Key Environmental Issues in Guyana. |
2804 |
Kleptocracy and Bribeomics - (Observer Article) |
4361 |
Kwayana Moves Fast Into Elections Commission Building//Hoyte must hand over his Evidence to the Police. |
4684 |
Labour and Employment Conditions |
1887 |
Labour Aristocrats Betray Worker's cause |
4221 |
Labour Betrayal in Guyana |
171 |
Labour facts - 1956 |
2612 |
Labour Relations - Notes at Seminar at Critchlow Labour College |
484 |
Labour Relations Bill as Amended and Passed by the Legislative Assembly on Monday 22nd April 1963 |
5873 |
Lack of Democracy blamed for kidnappings. |
318 |
Land Improvement Programme |
6201 |
Land Reform - A Major Achievement of the People's Progressive Party |
6148 |
Land Tenure and Registration of Titles - 1956 |
4656 |
Landmarks in Working-Class Revolt in Guyana: Enmore, 1948 |
328 |
Lands and Mine leases - Letters/ |
1094 |
Language and The Politics of Ethnicity In The Caribbean |
4200 |
Latin America's New Left. |
90 |
LDC'S - A Colony Within a Semi-Colony |
2174 |
LDC's - A Colony Within a Semi-colony (Straight talk) |
5227 |
Leaflet by Emergency Committee to Defend Democracy in Chile |
278 |
Lease of Colony Land - The Small Holdings (Colony Land) Ordinance 1958// Letters from Cheddi Jagan |
5502 |
Lecture Notes on Background of World Poverty |
6003 |
Lecture Notes on Guyana's Economic Situation and Future Prospects Against the Background of World Poverty. |
207 |
Left Deviationism, Extremism and Opportunism |
4865 |
Legislation Governing The Movement of Skilled Persons |
5675 |
Legislative Assembly - 1961- Arrangements for the first Sitting. |
246 |
Legislative Assembly - Committee of Selection |
181 |
Legislative Council statement to be presented by Dr. Cheddi Jagan |
2100 |
Lenin and Our Time |
2052 |
Lenin and World Revolution |
66 |
Lenin and World Revolution (Straight Talk) |
2355 |
Leninism in the 1980's |
4947 |
Let Mayor Pay $4 a Day (Straight Talk) |
6 |
Lets Create a Better World - Address at World Social Summit, Denmark |
5956 |
Letter by Member of Parliament - Eugene Stoby to Dr. Jagan |
2811 |
Letter by President Jagan re: Establishment of a NGHO |
5395 |
Letter by R. Grey to Mr. Dawson |
6077 |
Letter from A.I Crum Ewing to Janet Jagan |
6103 |
Letter from A.M. Sahay Hon D. J. Parkinson. |
6294 |
Letter from Agard. |
845 |
Letter from Arthur Sutton to Editor Sunday Argosy - 1965 |
6051 |
Letter from B. Octive to the Hon Mr. Duncan Sandys |
5879 |
Letter from British Guiana Rice Marketing Board to Premier - 1962 |
199 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan |
2161 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - December 27, 1972 |
1792 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - January 20, 1978 |
739 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - May 23, 1956 |
1635 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - PPP Contribution Letter |
4503 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan on the Caribbean Basin Plan |
1814 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re. Sydney King |
2236 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re: Burnham's Verbal Attack |
5035 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re: Grenada and Guyana |
4820 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re: His Straight Talk Articles |
2234 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re: Nehru Award |
4785 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to All Comrades at Freedom House |
2289 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Andrew Young, US Ambassador to U.N |
1158 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Anthony Greenwood - June 30, 1965 |
776 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to B. Stratchan |
5974 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Cds. |
4787 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Central Committee Communist Party of Cuba - 1982 |
4753 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Central Committee Communist Party of Cuba - 1989 |
2033 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Central Committee, Communist Party Rumania |
4813 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Chairman Elections Commission - 1973 |
4736 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Chairman Narcotics Abuse - 1990 |
2222 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Police - October 15, 1974 |
5319 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Registration |
4741 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Daniel Healey - 1990 |
4193 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Delegates of 2nd Assembly of Caribbean Council of Churches |
1790 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Desmond Hoyte - Feb. 26, 1985 |
4374 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Desmond Hoyte in relations to free and fair elections - 1985 |
4814 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Desmond Hoyte in relations to free and fair elections - 1990 |
916 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Director UN Division of Human Rights |
2115 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Director, Radio Moscow |
4714 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. James Millette - 1975 |
4879 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Orrin Dummett - 1942 |
2551 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Orrin Dummett - 1987 |
5959 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Oxaal. |
1810 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor - May 17, 1956 |
156 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor - Stabroek News re: Civil service |
5577 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor " Mother India - Children Abroad" |
6050 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor "Jamaica Gleaner" |
6047 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor "The Scotsman" |
2523 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Barbados Advocate - 1986 |
2645 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Cana |
6023 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Catholic Standard - July 6, 1989 |
2647 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Catholic Standard 1989 |
2434 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Catholic Standard June 19, 1984 |
4883 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Chronicle - 1946 |
4885 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Chronicle - Aug 15,1946 |
2138 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Chronicle - September 13, 1972 |
2657 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Gleaner - 1989 |
427 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Evening Post & Mirror - November 30, 1968 |
260 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guiana Graphic - Feb 13, 1958 |
6493 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guiana Graphic - Feb. 5, 1971 |
1818 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guiana Graphic - July 4, 1957 |
2399 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guyana Chronicle - July 2, 1981 |
1663 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guyana Chronicle - July 21,1981 |
5696 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guyana Chronicle - May 25, 1982 |
1705 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Guyana Graphic - 1969 |
1358 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor New York Times |
2774 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor of the Daily Argosy - Dec 28, 1951 |
6746 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Daily Argosy - June 14, 1957 |
2618 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Stabroek News - Dec 31, 1986 |
2537 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Stabroek News - July 11, 1988 |
2559 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Stabroek News - July 21, 1987 |
1547 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Stabroek News - June 14, 1989 |
5551 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Sunday Chronicle - May 14, 1987 |
2105 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Sunday Graphic - 1970/12/18 |
2121 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Sunday Graphic - 1971/11/30 |
4591 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Sunday Graphic - Aug 23, 1975 |
2640 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Toronto Star - 1989 |
2193 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Chicago Tribune - Jan 7, 1974 |
2118 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Evening Post - 1971/07/12 |
2180 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Evening Post - July 11, 1973 |
2133 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Evening Post - June 12, 1972 |
2211 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Express - July 9, 1974 |
2184 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Globe and Mail - July 28, 1973 |
2212 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Guyana Graphic - July 17, 1974 |
2186 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Los Angeles Times - July 30, 1973 |
2187 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, New York Times - July 30, 1973 |
2094 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Sunday Chronicle - 1970/02/13 |
2176 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Sunday Graphic - June 21, 1973 |
2179 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Sunday Graphic- July 3, 1973 |
2483 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, The Economist |
2542 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Toronto Star - Feb 26, 1987 |
2113 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor, Trinidad Guardian - 1971/05/25 |
4821 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Edwin Bankay - 1965 |
4611 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Ex-President Carter |
1507 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Forbes Burnham - June 6, 1964 |
1920 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Friends - 1978 |
5191 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Gary Luggiero. |
5693 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Governor - Jan 22, 1965 |
457 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Governor - Jan 8, 1965 |
6540 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Governor - June 10 1965 |
4723 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Hamilton Green - 1976 |
2544 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Heads of Delegation to Non-Aligned Movement - 1987 |
5975 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to hold Regional Conference -1972 |
5968 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Hon. John Compton Premier of St. Lucia. |
5969 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Hon. Vera Bird |
2333 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Inger Fahlander, Amnesty International |
2511 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to J. H. Pollydore - April 23, 1986 |
1907 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to James Millette |
2221 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Jane Fonda - March 7, 1974 |
6750 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Leonid Brezhnev - 1978 |
2304 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to L.F.S Burnham - June 22, 1978 |
2244 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to L.F.S. Burnham - December 11, 1975 |
716 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Labour Research Board |
5578 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mark Rentz, Arizona State University |
5588 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Michel Camdessus //Memorandum to Michel Camdessus |
5348 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mikail Gorbachev |
4786 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Minister of State Within the Ministry of Internal Trade And Consumer Protection |
4780 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Minister of Trade and Consumer Protection |
5960 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, United Republic of Tanzania |
4498 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Andrew Young |
4729 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Basdeo Panday - 1978 |
4475 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Burnham |
6463 |
Letter From Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Burnham - April 21, 1976 |
4752 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Greenwood - October 25, 1965 |
4513 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. H.H Williams. |
6601 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Harold Wilson - 1965 |
187 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Hassain |
6054 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Humphrey |
4507 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. J.H. Pollydore |
4640 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mrs Tanya Menci, Trevor Munroe |
1925 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Neil Sheenhan, New York Times |
5967 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to New Zealand Monthly Review |
4243 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Newspaper Sept 25, 1959 |
2287 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Ombudsman - July 14, 1977 |
5926 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Oreallia Mission |
6742 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Party Groups(PPP, PYO, WPO) re: PPP Economic Policy Statement |
4775 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Party Secretaries |
2846 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Patrick Yarde |
1776 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to PNC |
2279 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President Arthur Chung - February 3, 1977 |
2409 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President Burnham - June 15, 1983 |
6010 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President G. W. Bush - 1991 |
5224 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President Jimmy Carter. |
2415 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President Ronald Reagan (USA) |
4612 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Prime Minister Jamaica |
1444 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Prime Minister of Malta - 1982 |
6260 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to R. Butler, Chief Elections Officer |
5568 |
Letter From Cheddi Jagan to Rabinowitz Foundation |
348 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Rev.A. C. Forrest, Editor., United Church Observer |
1817 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Richard Ishmael |
526 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Ron Saunders |
6495 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Rudy Collins, Chairman of Elections Commission - 1991 |
1911 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Sam Walsh |
1080 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Secretary of State - Dec. 1964 |
6616 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Secretary of State, Great Britain - 1965 |
4717 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Secretary Social Democratic Party, Germany - 1991 |
5332 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Senator Frank Church |
4789 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Senator Kennedy - 1990 |
1658 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Senator Kennedy -1992 |
1770 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Sergo Mikoyan, Editor, 'Latin America' |
1909 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Sir Shridath Ramphal, Chairman The West Indian Commission |
4740 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Soviet Foreign Minister - 1990 |
6490 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Soviet Peace Council - 1976 |
5323 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Chairman of the Elections Commission - June 15, 1973 |
5326 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Chairman of the Elections Commission - June 20, 1973 |
5330 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Chairman of the Elections Commission. |
4798 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Editor of Graphic - June 26, 1976 |
5189 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Editor, Guyana Graphic - Jan 2, 1969 |
1903 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to The General Manager, Radio Station G.B.S., |
4639 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Korean National Peace Committee |
1690 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to The Secretary General Commonwealth Parliamentary Association |
2376 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to University of Guyana - 1981 |
6243 |
Letter from Chief Financial Officer, Demerara Bauxite Company Ltd. to the Comptroller of Customs |
4677 |
Letter from Colonial Secretary Office. |
6205 |
Letter from Commissioner of Local Government to the Governor's Secretary |
6208 |
Letter from Commissioner of Local Government to the Hon Chief Secretary |
6210 |
Letter from Commissioner of Police to the Hon Chief Secretary |
4554 |
Letter from Dan Burton Re: 1992 Elections |
6171 |
Letter from Desmond Hoyte to President Janet Jagan - 1998 |
4192 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - Jan 20, 1978 |
584 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Commissioner of Police, 1974 |
5333 |
Letter from Dr. Edwin Carrington to Janet Jagan. |
6461 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan - July 5, 1956 |
5051 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re: Cooperation Day Celebrations - 1958 |
4738 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan re; upcoming elections//Letter to PCD members |
4610 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Atlanta University, Department of Political Science |
4755 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Caribbean Council of Churches |
4791 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Police - Nov. 3, 1980 |
6648 |
Letter from/to Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Police on December 9, 1985 |
4308 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Police//Flyer on upcoming Elections-List and I.D card availability (1992) |
4706 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Commissioner of Police//PPP/Civic Appeals for Calm and Peace |
5316 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Director of Public Prosecution |
5933 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Nkrumah - 19964 |
5277 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor - re: Suez Canal |
5225 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor Catholic Standard - July 28, 1989 |
4437 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Editor London Sunday Times - Oct 16, 1967 |
4382 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Governor - Reply to invitation to comment on the draft election regulations. |
5235 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to James Baker |
5264 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Minister of Education Caricom Member Countries |
5993 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Minister of Labour & Social Security |
4919 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. MacDougal on Oil in British Guiana |
5550 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Maloney |
4459 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Mr. Ramesh Deosaran. |
4463 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Paul Reichler. |
5833 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to PNC - 1985 |
5265 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to President Human Rights Commission - 1951. |
5270 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Professor Titmuss, London School of Economics |
4707 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Commissioner of Police. |
4402 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the Editor of the Latin American Institute |
5230 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the President of French Guyana |
5221 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to the President of Suriname |
6242 |
Letter from Cheddi Jagan to Tim Hector |
6160 |
Letter from Dwarka Nath to His Excellency Sir Patrick Renison |
6158 |
Letter from Dwarka Nath to the General Secretary of Rice Produces Association |
6268 |
Letter from E.H. Barrow. |
574 |
Letter from Frank McDonald to Institute of Current World Affairs |
6176 |
Letter from G.E.T. Moore to W.G. Stoll |
4480 |
Letter from Gail Tiexeira to Mr Collins requesting the assurance of the availability of the supplementary voters' list.//1991. |
825 |
Letter from Governor Sir Ralph Grey to lain Macleod M.P - June 17, 1961 |
5437 |
Letter from Governor Sir Ralph Grey to Reginald Maudling |
5445 |
Letter From Governor Sir Ralph Grey to Secretary of State |
941 |
Letter from Governor Sir Ralph Grey to Secretary of State - March 16, 1962 |
6183 |
Letter from Group Secretary to A.G. Stewart |
5067 |
Letter from Guyana |
6072 |
Letter from H. Hubbard to British Guiana Government Office |
5451 |
Letter From H.R.Persaud to Felix Cummings - July 1962 |
6246 |
Letter from Hugh Wharton |
4658 |
Letter from Iain Macleod to Governor Sir Ralph Grey - June 30,1961 |
836 |
Letter from Iain Macleod to Sir Ralph Grey - July 20, 1961 |
6248 |
Letter from Iain Macleod to the Governor of British Guiana - July 12, 1961 |
6256 |
Letter from Iain Macleod to the Governor of British Guiana - July 20, 1961 |
6264 |
Letter from Ian Singh. |
300 |
Letter from Janet Jagan re: Decentralisation of Constituencies |
4835 |
Letter from Janet Jagan re: Feb 1962 riots |
6067 |
Letter from Janet Jagan re: Secretariat |
6055 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to British Guiana Government Office |
6011 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Chairman Elections Commission - Dec 21, 1968 |
6116 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Chairman, Election Commission - 1968 |
2668 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Cheddi Jagan - 1959 |
5953 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Cheddi Jagan - 1965 |
5822 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Colonial Secretary - 1952 |
4890 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Constituents Western Essequibo |
5163 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Editor "Time & Tide" London |
6069 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Editor Guiana Graphic - 1963 |
6360 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Editor Guyana Graphic - October 5, 1964 |
4915 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Edward Beharry |
6078 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Kenneth Anthony - 1998 |
6469 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Members of the PPP General Council - Jan 1955 |
4886 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Parents - Oct 14, 1954 |
6110 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Peaking Review |
6045 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to President of Liberia - 2008 |
6104 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Secretary of State for the Colonies - 1952 |
6106 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to Secretary to the Premier - 1962 |
5016 |
Letter from Janet Jagan to The Herald Tribune - 1963//PPP Press Statement |
1905 |
Letter from Janet Jagan, GS of PPP to PPP Comrades -1964 |
6286 |
Letter from L.R. Mohalin |
6629 |
Letter from London (Straight Talk) |
6251 |
Letter from M. Dutctin. |
4720 |
Letter from Mr. Denbow to Makepeace. |
423 |
Letter from Office of the Premier to United Sadr Islamic Anjuman - 1962 |
6099 |
Letter from Oliver Lyttelton to the Colonial Office, Trinidad |
4682 |
Letter from Oliver Stanley to Colonial Office |
1860 |
Letter from P.G. Wodehouse to Government House |
5906 |
Letter from People's Progressive Party (Campbellville Group). |
6189 |
Letter from Permanent Secretary Ministry of Trade and Industry to Hon Chief Secretary |
5300 |
Letter from Premier Jagan to Chandra Jha, Chairman, Committee of Seventeen, United Nations |
5948 |
Letters from Premier to Governor - June 1963 |
374 |
Letter from Premier Jagan to Governor June 10, 1965 |
5839 |
Letter from Premier Jagan to Governor Sir Ralph Grey - July 2, 1962 |
4908 |
Letter from Premier Jagan to Mr. C.S. Jha, United Nations |
5929 |
Letter from Premier Jagan to Mr. J.N. Durant |
5286 |
Letter from Premier Jagan to Sir Ralph Grey - December 7, 1962 |
5542 |
Letter from Premier Jagan to the British Prime Minister - 1964 |
4889 |
Letter from Premier Jagan to U Thant, Secretary General United Nations |
4696 |
Letter from Premier to Attorney General//Letter to Governor - June 1962 |
5062 |
Letter from Premier to Governor 1962 |
4824 |
Letter from Premier to Governor R. Luyt - Nov 6, 1964 |
4888 |
Letter from Premier to Sir Ralph Grey - July 2, 1962 |
5590 |
Letter from President Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Hiroshi Nakajima, (WHO) |
4779 |
Letter from President Cheddi Jagan to President Clinton Re: NAFTA |
5581 |
Letter from President Jagan on the Support of an Aid Package |
5204 |
Letter from President Jagan to King Fahad Ibn Abdalaziz |
15 |
Letter from President Jagan to Mr. James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank |
5238 |
Letter from President Jagan to Mr. Singh re: Venezuela |
644 |
Letter from President Jagan to Navin Chandarpal - 1994 |
4713 |
Letter from President Jagan to Navin Chandarpal - 1994 |
4387 |
Letter from President Jagan to President French Guiana - 1995 |
6041 |
Letter from President Janet Jagan to Edwin Carrington |
6030 |
Letter from President Janet Jagan to Keith Mitchell |
6044 |
Letter from President Janet Jagan to Madeleine K. Albright |
4183 |
Letter from Public Services International Representative. |
5438 |
Letter From R.Maulding to Sir Ralph Grey - April 5, 1962 |
1229 |
Letter from Ranji Chandisingh to Editor of London Times - 1964 |
6178 |
Letter from Rupert C.Tello Secretary to the Hon Chief Secretary. |
259 |
Letter from Secretary of State to Governor of BG - July 1958 |
557 |
Letter from Secretary of State to Governor of British Guiana - May 1962 |
6283 |
Letter from Shukdeo Persaud. |
5440 |
Letter from Sir Ralph Grey to Huijsman |
6199 |
Letter from the Chief Secretary D.M Hedges to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry. |
6194 |
Letter from the Financial Secretary to the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Trade and Industry. |
4561 |
Letter from the Governor - October 9, 1953 |
6173 |
Letter from the Minister of Trade and Industry to R.B. Garaj, Esq., Deputy Speaker. |
4260 |
Letter from the PCD Programme Committee |
4825 |
Letter from the Premier from Mr. Maloney - 1964 |
6643 |
Letter from Premier Jagan to Mr. d'Aguiar - November 30, 1964 |
5924 |
Letter from the Premier of BG to the British Prime Minister on the Decision of the Secretary of the State |
807 |
Letter from the Premier to British Prime Minister - 1964//Statement by Senator Janet Jagan, Minister of Home Affairs |
1510 |
Letter from Premier to British Prime Minister - Nov 28, 1963 |
781 |
Letter from Premier to Cuban Minister of Foreign Trade |
1140 |
Letter from Premier to Governor - 1964/07/10 |
4592 |
Letter from Premier to Governor Ralph Grey - September 1963 |
4588 |
Letter from Premier to LFS Burnham - June 6, 19964 |
4420 |
Letter from Premier to Minister of Home Affairs - 1963 |
6637 |
Letter from Premier to Mr. Nyerere - June 18, 1964 |
778 |
Letter from Premier to President J. F. Kennedy - April 1963 |
4873 |
Letter from Premier to Sir Ralph Grey - Aug. 29, 1962 |
5779 |
Letter From The Washington Correspondent |
6288 |
Letter from Vietnamese Community of BG |
6042 |
Letter from Whim Local Authority |
2302 |
Letter from/to Cheddi Jagan to/from Romesh Chandra - May 16, 1978 |
4993 |
Letter from/to Premier to/from Governor Sir Ralph Grey - June 1962 |
833 |
Letter from/to Premier to/from Governor Sir Ralph Grey - June 7, 1961 |
4737 |
Letter from/to President Jagan to/from Dean of Northwestern University - 1993 |
5621 |
Letter from/to President Janet Jagan to/from Tony Blair |
1073 |
Letter from/to Premier to/from Secretary of State - Oct 20, 1964 |
5006 |
Letter in Service of Struggle for Freedom |
4335 |
Letter re: Denying Entry of PPP Leaders to Hinterland Areas |
5510 |
Letter re: Proposed Draft of the Constitution of Guyana |
4492 |
Letter to "International Publishers" on the Supply of "The West on Trial" |
5417 |
Letter to B,H.Benn |
4695 |
Letter to Canada's Minister of Finance Gilles Loiselle. |
5511 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan - Support for Constitution and against PR - 1962 |
1906 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Algiers - 1969 |
5095 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Arthur Sutton |
1743 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Atlanta University - 1977 |
1254 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Basdeo Panday - 1976 |
4583 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Bhagat Vats |
5526 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Canal No.1, Community Council |
5883 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Canal Polder Village Council. |
5863 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Canals Polder, Constituency Committee, |
4759 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Carlos Felipe Martinez. |
5541 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Claude Christian, Minister of Home Affairs - 1963 |
5875 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Clonbrook Cricket Club - 1962 |
5859 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Clonbrook Hindu Youth Organisation |
4629 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Dr. Dencherlle |
6492 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Dr. K. D. Kumria - 1970 |
5554 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from E.M.G. Wilson. |
5572 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from F. E. Hope. |
5849 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Friendship Village District - 1962 |
5961 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from G. Ceccatto, United Nations |
6272 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Governor - July 10, 1962 |
1183 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Governor -1966/05/17 |
5855 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Helena Cricket Club - 1962 |
5525 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Hindu Religious Society - 1962 |
4726 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from James Matheson. |
5977 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Jean-Jacques Reibel. |
4392 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from John Malone. |
5907 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Kitty Group of the P.P.P. |
5887 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Korthraadt Village. |
5565 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Kwesi Armah. |
5570 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Lazar Mojsov. |
5818 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Lima Group |
5966 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Monthly Review |
5945 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Nixon Russ. |
5899 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Nootenzuil PYO Group - 1962 |
516 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from North West (Farm Produce) Cooperative |
5848 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Parent Teachers Association - 1962 |
4533 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Pariag Sukhai re: Rice |
5889 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from PPP Group |
5909 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from PPP group. |
6503 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Radio Station, "Peace and Progress" - 1987 |
4631 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Reepu Daman Persaud |
5922 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Reuters Ltd. |
5594 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from S.K Sharma. |
852 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Secretary General International Association of Democratic Lawyers |
5538 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Special Committee of 24, United Nations - 1963 |
515 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from St Elmo Hughes |
5851 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Stanley Town Hindu Religious Society - 1962 |
5976 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Terry L. McCoy. |
5946 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from the Guianese Cultural Association of New Jersey. |
5545 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from the Minister External Affairs New Delhi. |
5528 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from the Public Service Commission - July 3, 1963 |
5531 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from the Public Service Commission June 28, 1963 |
5580 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan from Tony Benn, British MP |
5874 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan in Support of Draft Constitution - 1962 |
5843 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan in Support of the Draft Constitution and against PR - 1962 |
1139 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan re. Jagan Gold Medal |
5553 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan Re: Anti-PPP Activities |
5575 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan Re: Book of Poems |
5861 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan Re: Draft Constitution - 1962 |
5867 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan re: Ethnic equality in Police force and Judicary |
5853 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan Re: Independence and PR |
5852 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan Re: Independence and PR - 1962 |
5836 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan Re: Independence and PR - Sept. 1962 |
5540 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan Re: Jock Campbell |
5872 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan Re: Rural Constables |
5826 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan re: Sugar Industry |
5864 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan re: Support for Draft Constitution and against PR - 1962 |
5512 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan re: Voting Age of 18 and against PR |
4728 |
Letter to Cheddi Jagan re; visit to Alberta |
4859 |
Letter to Clement J. Rohee, M.P from Brazil |
4262 |
Letter to Desmond Hoyte from Patriotic Coalition for Democracy//Working People's Alliance-letter to Gail// |
5256 |
Letter to Dr. Cheddi Jagan from Alexander Bustamante - 1957 |
5199 |
Letter to Dr. Cheddi Jagan from Anthony Greenwood - Nov. 2, 1964 |
5207 |
Letter to Dr. Cheddi Jagan from Foundation for Ethnobiology |
5307 |
Letter to Dr. Cheddi Jagan from German-Latin American Society |
5351 |
Letter to Dr. Cheddi Jagan from President Clinton - Nov. 29, 1994 |
5212 |
Letter to Dr. Cheddi Jagan from Venezuela |
5210 |
Letter to Dr. Cheddi Jagan from Yesu Persaud |
6233 |
Letter to Dr. Hunt Davis Jr. from Terry L. McCoy. |
5518 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Berbice residents - 1962 |
5247 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from BG Tourist Committee - 1959 |
5257 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Chamber of Commerce - 1957 |
4355 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Dr. Ramsammy. |
5249 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Dwarka Nath - 1957 |
4735 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Eusi Kwayana - June 26, 1990 |
4822 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Ghana, Accra Evening News - 1965 |
5506 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Leon Quat. |
5255 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Mr. Farnum - 1957 |
6120 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Mrs. Morton Sobell - 1965 |
5527 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Ramnarain |
5519 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from Residents of Berbice - Sept 8, 1962 |
5290 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan from the United Sadr Islamic Anjuman. |
5216 |
Letter to Dr. Jagan: Development of Guyana Forest Products by Guyanese. |
6293 |
Letter to Duncan Sandy. |
853 |
Letter to Dwarka Nath from Governor's Secretariat - 1957 |
6253 |
Letter to Elections Commission - 1968 |
4430 |
Letter to Governor - 1957 |
4851 |
Letter to Governor from Attorney General - July 6, 1963 |
5060 |
Letter to Governor from Secretary of State - Aug 11, 1952 |
419 |
Letter to Governor Sir Ralph Grey from British Guiana Trades Union Council - 1960 |
5558 |
Letter to High Commissioner for Ghana |
5192 |
Letter to Hon. Minister Asgar Ally. |
6238 |
Letter to Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Guyana, Florida |
4746 |
Letter to Hugh Desmond Hoyte from the Secretary PCD |
6292 |
Letter to Jack Kelshall - Sept 14,1962 |
6290 |
Letter to Jack Kelshall - Sept 15, 1962 |
5897 |
Letter to Jack Kelshall from Anna Regina PYO Group |
5886 |
Letter to Jack Kelshall from Cullen, Essequibo |
5903 |
Letter To Jack Kelshall from PYO Cullen Group Sept 7, 1962 |
724 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from Adrian M. Moen, Curacao |
6089 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from Argentina |
6082 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from British Houses of Parliament - 1964 |
4542 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from C.R. Ramson re: Death of Cheddi Jagan |
5314 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from E. Saul |
6118 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from Editor Irish Democrat - 1965 |
5965 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from Hillary Clinton Re: Summit of Americas |
6064 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from Hillary Rodham Clinton |
6014 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from Inter-Parliamentary Union - 1993 |
5598 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from Mohamed Shakoor - 1964 |
5979 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from Odeen Ishmael re: 1953 UK documents |
5055 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from R. Hart - 1972 |
4546 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from Rudy Insanally Re: Memorial Service for Dr. Jagan |
5631 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from St. Lucia |
6020 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from the Waterford Company |
6033 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from US Ambassador George Jones |
6130 |
Letter to Janet Jagan from WHO - 1995 |
5617 |
Letter to Janet Jagan//Martin Carter a personal memoir by John LaRose |
4739 |
Letter to Jimmy Carter from Imraan Ahmed |
5567 |
Letter to John. |
6071 |
Letter to Mr. Edwards British MP from Secretary to the Premier |
1932 |
Letter to Mrs Janet Jagan re: Dr. Jagan |
6009 |
Letter to Mrs. Jagan from Chinese Media |
6125 |
Letter to Mrs. Jagan from German-Latin American Society |
5987 |
Letter to Mrs. Jagan from Roger Luncheon - 2007 |
6124 |
Letter to Mrs. Jagan re: Plea for help with their house |
6489 |
Letter to PPP Groups - 1951 |
4887 |
Letter to Premier - July 3, 1962 |
6056 |
Letter to Premier from Ambedka. |
5866 |
Letter to Premier from Arya Samaj |
5916 |
Letter to Premier from Attorney General re: Ashton Chase |
5894 |
Letter to Premier from Aurora PPP Group. |
5303 |
Letter to Premier from Berbice Chamber of Commerce - 1962 |
5010 |
Letter to Premier from Governor - June 30, 1962 |
5534 |
Letter to Premier from Governor Grey - Oct 19961 |
2667 |
Letter to Premier from Governor Ralph Grey - June 5, 1962 |
545 |
Letter to Premier from Governor re: Venezuela's Claim to British Guiana's Territory |
5844 |
Letter to Premier from Muslim Community |
5832 |
Letter to Premier from Muslim Religious Society - 1962 |
5834 |
Letter to Premier from Parent Teachers Association. |
5876 |
Letter to Premier from Progressive Youth Organisation -1962 |
5243 |
Letter to Premier from R. Grey. |
4710 |
Letter to Premier from Richard Luyt |
5919 |
Letter to Premier from Senator Jocelyn Hubbard// Handwritten note from Premier |
4930 |
Letter to Premier from Sir Ralph Grey - June 13, 1962 |
5293 |
Letter to Premier from Sir. Ralph Grey - June 16, 1962 |
5835 |
Letter to Premier from Social Religious Committee |
5557 |
Letter to Premier from The Booker Group in British Guiana |
5878 |
Letter to Premier from Women's Progressive Organisation -1962 |
5847 |
Letter to Premier Jagan from Anjuman Hafazatul Islam - 1962 |
5869 |
Letter to Premier Jagan from Sawmill and Forest Workers Union - 1962 |
5012 |
Letter to Premier July 4, 1962 |
5840 |
Letter to Premier re: Support for Draft Constitution - 1962 |
480 |
Letter to President Cheddi Jagan from Guyana Public Service Union |
360 |
Letter to President Cheddi Jagan from Kevin P. Lynch |
482 |
Letter to President Clinton on export of rice to Jamaica//Clinton sends personal message to President |
4608 |
Letter to President Jagan from Asgar Ally |
1923 |
Letter to President Jagan from Jimmy Carter |
1445 |
Letter to President Jagan from Jimmy Carter - 1992//Conference on Global Development |
5586 |
Letter to President Jagan from President Clinton -1994 |
4718 |
Letter to President Jagan from President's College - 1993 |
5584 |
Letter to President Jagan from Terry McCoy |
4575 |
Letter to President Jagan from the Guyana Public Service Union's President - 1993 |
4333 |
Letter to President Jagan from the Phillipai Health Outpost //List of needs for Schools//The Legalizing of the Alleluia Region. |
486 |
Letter to President Jagan re: visit to Jamaica |
6170 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Caribbean Community Secretariat - 1998 |
6185 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Caricom Audit Commission - 1998 |
5997 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Council of Women World Leaders |
6182 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Donald Ramotar - 1998 |
6169 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Edwin Carrington - July 1998 |
6198 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Edwin Carrington - June 4, 1998 |
6180 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Edwin Carrington - March 1998 |
6212 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Edwin Carrington - May 31, 1998 |
6135 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Emeka Anyaoku - 1997 |
5613 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Manzoor Nadir - 1998 |
6162 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from PM Grenada - 1998 |
5328 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Secretary General, Caribbean Community Secretariat re: Facilitation of the Herdmanston Accord |
707 |
Letter to President Janet Jagan from Thomas Klestil President of Austria |
4541 |
Letter to Prime Minister Jagan about the programme for the Memorial Service of the late President Jagan |
5535 |
Letter to Project Manage Botanical Gardens - 1963 |
4344 |
Letter to Reginald Maudling from the Governor - 1962 |
5950 |
Letter to Richard E. Luyt. from the Acting Premier re South African Political Prisoners |
6081 |
Letter to Secretary of State Re: Kenya |
5415 |
Letter to Senator Janet Jagan from Sir. Ralph Grey - Dec 16, 1963 |
5556 |
Letter to Sir Patrick Renison on the Constitutional Reform |
6465 |
Letter to Sir Ralph Grey - May 24, 1961 |
5288 |
Letter to Sir Ralph Grey from B.H. Benn - May 21, 1962 |
5381 |
Letter to Sir Ralph Grey from Secretary of State - May 17, 1962 |
558 |
Letter to the Brindley Benn from Governor, Sir Ralph Grey |
4502 |
Letter to the Editor - 1995 |
4647 |
Letter to the Premier from Anthony Greenwood |
5944 |
Letter to the Premier from Arthur Bottomley. |
5524 |
Letter to the Premier from Arya Samaj Religious Society - 1962 |
5856 |
Letter to the Premier from Arya Samaj Religious Society. |
506 |
Letter to the Premier from Governor Ralph Grey - May 9, 1961 |
5547 |
Letter to the Premier from High Commissioner of India - March 30, 1964 |
4855 |
Letter to the Premier from Jock Campbell - 1963 |
595 |
Letter to the Premier from PM Trinidad, Eric Williams |
6280 |
Letter to the Premier from the Anna Regina East Indian Cricket Club. |
498 |
Letter to the Premier re: Labour Relations Bill - 1963 |
565 |
Letter to the Press by Dr. D.J. Taitt |
5972 |
Letter to/from Cheddi Jagan from/to Ivar Oxaal. |
1184 |
Letter to/from Cheddi Jagan from/to PM Burnham//Press Statement by Cheddi Jagan |
174 |
Letters - Barter contracts re sale of Bauxite. |
4354 |
Letters between Cheddi Jagan and Tanya Menci |
1919 |
Letters from and to Cheddi Jagan - 1972-1976 |
4577 |
Letters from Attorney General - July 1962 |
1908 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan - 1977 |
5973 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan Re: Caribbean Conference to be held in Guyana |
1719 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan to Anthony Greenwood, Secretary of State for the Colonies |
5313 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan to the Chairman of the Elections Commission - May - June 1973 |
4362 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan to Dr. Paul Benitez Zentano and Mrs. Majorie Persaud |
4332 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan on Upcoming Elections and Proposals to P.C.D Members. |
5507 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan to International Friends - 1972-1974 |
4540 |
Letters from Cheddi Jagan to the Speaker, Mr. Sase Narain, and also the Leader of the House, Mr. Cammie Ramsaroop. |
5595 |
Letters from Guyana Ambassador to Venezuela to Minister of Foreign Affairs |
4878 |
Letters from Janet Jagan to parents - Oct 9 & 15, 1953 |
1915 |
Letters from/to Cheddi Jagan re: visit to Howard University - 1978 |
5824 |
Letters Jagan/Hoyte re: Peace Accord - Sept 18-Oct 16, 1990 |
1266 |
Letters of Congratulations to Dr. Cheddi Jagan on his victory at the 1992 elections. |
4702 |
Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the Realm - 1943 |
832 |
Letters to Cheddi Jagan from British Guiana Co-operative Union Ltd. |
4853 |
Letters to Premier in Support of Draft Constitution - 1962 |
1749 |
Letters to the Secretary of State for the Colonies -1962 |
4572 |
Letters to/from Cheddi Jagan, Peter D'Aguiar, Mr. Burnham and Sir Ralph Grey on Independence |
1842 |
Liberty and Justice |
1213 |
Liberty in Chains (Straight talk) |
1436 |
Lies and Half-Truths (Straight Talk) |
2656 |
Lies and More Lies (Straight talk) |
417 |
Life Under the PNC |
1730 |
Light at End of Tunnel - (Observer Article) |
6063 |
List of Letters sent by Leader of PPP 1965 |
5635 |
Listings of Names of Memorandum on Constitution 1962 |
5003 |
Literature Sales in Party Work |
893 |
Loan Agreement between Government of British Guiana and the Rice development company |
359 |
Loan Agreement between the Cooperative Republic of Guyana and Export Development Cooperation |
4793 |
Loan Agreement between the Government of Guyana and the United State of America |
365 |
Loan Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana |
364 |
Loan Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden and the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana |
6646 |
Looking for the Way Forward |
5719 |
Look Ahead with New Thinking (Straight talk) |