Selected Articles by Janet Jagan
Below is a small colllection of articles by Mrs. Janet Jagan. View the entire colllection: Listing of All Current Documents by Mrs. Janet Jagan in CJRC Archives
A collection of articles written by Dr. & Mrs. Jagan on the Independence issues of British Guiana
Remembering Cheddi by Janet Jagan
Early Articles
The Psychology of Race Prejudice - Sept 2, 1942 (1st known written paper)
Letter to her Father
Historical Development of Women - 1945
Canadian Seamen in Guyana - 1949
Picture of Misery - July 1952
Letters to Parents - Oct 9 & 15, 1953
British Guiana - Our Case - 1953
Towards Freedom in Guiana - 1953
Speech at World Congress of Women -June 1953
Speech by Janet Jagan - 1954 in the court after being arrested
Defiance Campaign Opens in Guiana - 1954
Letter to Parents - 1954
Letter to Constituents Western Essiquibo - Jan 06, 1954
Letter from Janet Jagan to PPP Party Comrades - 1954
Application by Janet Jagan to Visit USA to See Dying Father - 1956
Minister of Health & Housing 1957-1961
A May Day Review of New Labour Laws - May 10, 1958
Broadcast to Schools - When I was in School - 1958
Letter from Janet Jagan to Comrade - 1958
Address by Janet Jagan to Caribbean Organization - 1959 - April 1959
May Day Message - 1959
Dear Edward - May 23, 1959
On the South African Boycott - Aug. 1959
Fight Clean in Party Elections - Message from General Secretary - Aug 15, 1959
We Have Learned from India's Struggle - August 16, 1959
Housing Broadcast - 1959
Xmas Message - Threshold of Independence - 1959
Address at West Indian Conference on Caribbean Commission - Aug 1959
Trip into Interior of British Guiana - 1957-1961
PPP Ten Years of Service - 1960
Why PPP Retains its Mass Support - 1961
Correspondence with Alan Bush - "Sugar Reapers" between 1960-1975
On Independence - 1961
For Workers' Benefit and Welfare - Labour Legislation since October 1957
12 Years of the PPP - June 1961
Broadcast by Janet Jagan - July 17, 1961

British Guiana: Our Victory - 1961/10
Comments on the Political Situation - Nov 4, 1961
Ishmael Always Sags and Flops - Nov. 11, 1961
Guarantees and Liberties of the Guianese People - Nov 18, 1961
Freedom for British Guiana - Jan 1962
An answer to Mr. D’Aguiar - 1962
Guyana's Women - 1962
No Case for New Elections - 1962
British Guiana Wants Independence in 1962 - Interview in 1962
Chairman Mao - Sept. 29, 1962
History of the PPP - 1962
The 2 Faces of Burnham - Burnham before the United Nations - March 15, 1963
Du Bois Fought Colonialism and Injustice - Sept. 1963
The PPP in the Struggle for Independence -1963
Address to Winnipeg Press Club - delivered by Janet Jagan - April 26, 1963
Comrade Claude Christian - An Example For All - 1963
Letter to Editor "Time & Tide" London - Nov 5, 1963
Interview in London - 1964/04/29
Statement in the Senate by Minister of Home Affairs - June 1, 1964
Letter from Janet Jagan to Editor 'The Atlantic" - July 11, 1964
Socialism as Way to get Better Life for All - November 6, 1964
Guyana - 1964
Kowsilla - A Brave Woman Who Gave Her Life in the Freedom Struggles
Don't Sympathize - Organise! - Jan 1965
12th PPP Congress Report - May 1965
The Lessons of History
Janet Jagan and US Citizenship - 1967
D.N. Pritt: Defender of Civil Liberties - May 1967
The Only Answer to Oppression is Struggle - July 1967
Need for Militant Struggle by Workers - late 1960s
The Long Battle to Defeat Compulsory Arbitration - 1971
Notes by Janet Jagan on Ernest Hemingway - 1971
Army Intervention in the 1973 Elections in Guyana - 1973
The Army Take-over in the Guyana Elections - 1973
The Phoney Two-thirds Majority of the July 16th Election - 1973
National Service - An Act of Coercion - 1974
Women in the Struggle - 1975
An Examination of National Service - Oct. 1976
30 Years Since the PAC - March 1977
Speech at 60th Anniversary of October Socialist Revolution - Nov 6, 1977
Press Statement - Editor of Mirror - August 31, 1979
Hark the Rolling of the Thunder - 1980
Literature Sales in Party Work - 1982
For the Cause of the Working Class, for the Interests of All Working People - Nov 1982
Address by Janet Jagan to 11th Congress of Communist Party of Greece - Dec 1982
A Piece Of Guyana's History (1953-1955) - 1983
Party Life: Work in the Community - 1983
Women Unite! Stand Up and Fight! - Nov. 1983
Story of a Fighting Paper - 1984
Party Life: Decision Making - 1984
The Party Bookshop - 1984
Essence of Party Democracy - 1984
Protest Letter from Janet Jagan re: Ban on Earl Bousquet - May 10, 1984
Party Life: Youth Arm of the PPP - 1987
Party Life: Contesting Elections - 1985
Party Life: Building Party Groups - 1986
The Struggle Against Anti-Communism - 1986
Party Life: the General Secretary - 1987
Party Life: Spirit of Internationalism
- 1987
Thunder Alive and Kicking - 1987
The WPO of Guyana - Jan. 1987
The 23rd Congress of the PPP
Achievement & Purposeful Activity ( WPO 35 Years) - 1988
Party Life: Freedom House - 1988
Party Life: Party Secretaries - 1988
Fighting Bureaucracy & Believing in the People - 1989
Party Life: Cadre Development - 1989
Party Life: Working with Overseas Guyanese - 1989
Representations for the People - 1990
Party Life: Politics of Protest
Tribute to a Mother - 1990
Anti-Independence Gang Given Independence - 1991
Party Life: Jack Kelshall, Great Friend of the PPP - 1991
Party Life: Caring for People - 1992
The Struggle for Press Freedom In Guyana - 1993
Comments by Janet Jagan on Violence and Peace on the Anniversary of International Children Day of Broadcasting
Statement at UN on 45th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 1993
Statement at UN on Return or Restitution of Cultural Property to Countries of Origin - Nov 2, 1993
Letter to General Secretary Inter Parliamentary Union, Switzerland - Nov 3, 1993
Letter from Janet Jagan to Representative of Polisario Front - Western Sahara - 1993
Statement at UN on Situation in Latin America - Nov. 11, 1993
Statement at UN on Situation in Bosnia & Herzegovina - Dec 20, 1993
Statement at UN on Situation of Democracy and Human Rights in Haiti - Dec 3, 1993
The Role of the PPP in the History of Guyana - Dec 3, 1994
Interview by UNICEF - 1995
Statement by Janet Jagan re: Cheddi Jagan - Feb 19, 1997
We Will Carry the Torch He Lit - March 10, 1997 - At funeral for Dr. Jagan
Cheddi Jagan: 50 Years as a Parliamentarian - Oct. 09, 1997
Statement by Janet Jagan at List Presentation, City Hall - PPP/CIVIC'S Winning List - Nov 5, 1997
President of Guyana - 1997-1999
Glimpses of Martin Carter in his Early Years - 1997
Address at Presidential Investiture Ceremony at State House - Dec. 19, 1997
Address to Nation - December 23, 1997
Interview by Martin Goolsarran & Claudette Earle -1997
Interview by Martin Goolsarran - Jan 18, 1998
Interview by Earl Bousquet - Jan 25, 1998
Interview by Michelle Elphage - Feb 8, 1998
Address at Opening of 7th Parliament - Feb 26, 1998
Walking Alone? - March 1998
Statement to the Second Summit of the Americas - Santiago Chile - April 18, 1998
Statement by Janet Jagan on Regional Integration Fund
Those Two Words - "Responsible Opposition"
Address to Amazonian Parliament - April 21, 1998
Letters to/from Janet Jagan to/from Hugo Chavez - 1999-2006
Address to Conference of Heads of Govt. of Caribbean - St Lucia - June 30, 1998
Address to 53rd UN General Assembly - Sept. 23, 1998
New and Restored Democracies -The Guyana Experience - Sept 23, 1998
Address at Annual Caribbean/Latin American Action Conference - Dec. 10, 1998
Address to Venezuelan Legislators
Address to 4th Caricom-Central America Ministerial Meeting - March 22, 1999
Inaugural Cheddi Jagan Lectures by President Janet Jagan - March 27, 1999
May Day Message - May1 1999
Independence Speech: May 1999
Why did Rai join the PPP?
President Janet Jagan's Address - August 8, 1999 (last address as President)
Articles 2000-2009
Articles 2000-2001
The Birth of the PPP 50 years ago- 2000
Address by Janet Jagan to 14th Triennial Congress of the WPO
Cheddi Jagan - The years 1943 to 1948
PPP/Civic kept it's promise to the Guyana's Children - 2000
Remembering the Past & Living the Present - Claude Christian & Martin Carter - December 2000
Remembering the Past & Living the Present - Vincent Teekah
Remembering the Past & Living the Present - Race -January 2001
Remembering The Past & Living The Present - South Africa - January 2001
Remembering the Past & Living the Present - 1997 Elections - January 2001
Remembering the Past & Living the Present - State Media - January 2001
Remembering the Past & Living the Present - Election Rigging - February 2001
Remembering the Past & Living the Present - 2001
Remembering Cheddi - 2001
Remembering H.N. Critchlow - 2001
A Remarkable Family - The Ramkarran Family - 2001
Poverty and its Elimination - 2001
The Audit Commission -- Burying The False Accusations- 2001
What's Happening to Mr. Hoyte?
Articles 2002-2003
Remembering Cheddi - Five Years After - 2002
Cheddi Jagan - A Real Life Success Story - March 3, 2002
The Dialogue Should Continue - May 2002
Party Life: The Rough Road of Elections Commission - 2002
Reminiscences of Cheddi Jagan - The Dentist - 2002
Reminiscences of Cheddi Jagan - The Man-2002
Reminiscences of Cheddi Jagan -1964-1966
A Guyanese Success Story
Notes from Canada - Aug. 2002
Who Owns the Dogs? - September 2002
Dealing with Poverty - December 2002
Cheddi - A Unique Leader - March 9, 2003
Message from President Janet Jagan on 10th Anniversary of Castellani House - May 2003
Remembering Cheddi - National Unity Should be the Watch Word - 2003
Blessed are the Peacemakers - 2003
The Cowardly War in Iraq - 2003
Many May Days Ago - 2003
Why I did it!
Reminiscences - Che and Robeson
Articles 2004
Poverty - A World Scourge - Jan 3, 2004
What Happened on July 17, 1964 - Jan 17, 2004
Hindsight and a Truth Commission - Feb. 14, 2004
Forward by Janet Jagan to "Cheddi Jagan - Selected Correspondences 1953-1965"
Remembering Cheddi - March 2004
Speech by Janet Jagan March 6, 2004 at Babu John
The Worsening situation in Iraq - April 2004
Independence Day is a Public Holiday - May 2004
Occupation is always Ugly - May 2004
Address at the Opening of the National Archives - May 24, 2004
What a Record! - June 5, 2004
What about shared government - August 28, 2004
Our Gains are Monumental - October 2004
Yasser Arafat – Palestinian Hero (1929-2004) - November 2004
Message to Guyana Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Dec. 2004
A New Globalisation - Dec 2004
Address to ACG 30th Anniversary - 2004
Articles 2005
Remembering Cheddi - March 2005
Myth and Reality- The Two Guyanas - May 2005
Land Reform - A Major Achievement of the PPP - 2005
An Inside Look Into Electoral Fraud - June 4, 2005
An Offence Against the People of Guyana - July 30, 2005
A Perversion of Truth - September 2005
A Worthwhile Project should begin and stop gathering dust - September 2005
Address by Janet Jagan at Graveside of Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow - November 3, 2005
Guyana Relief Council's 12th Anniversary - 2005
Kowsilla - A Brave Woman Who Gave Her Life in the Freedom Struggles - See also To Alice, also Known as Kowsillia, who Died at Leonora - 1964
Articles 2006
PAC's Sterling Contributions - 2006
Backward or Forward - Jan 2006
New Global Human Order aims to reduce Poverty - January 6, 2006
Why the Growing Violence? - February 1, 2006
Cheddi Jagan - Man of the People - March 2006
Bring Back the Trade Union Recognition Bill - March 2006
The National Unity Call - March 2006
5 Years to Register 400,000 Voters is Surely Sufficient Time - April 2006
Sash Sawh - A Hero of our Times - April 29, 2006
Independence - How the Struggle Began - 2006
A Short Reply to Seecharran - May 13, 2006
The Significance of Guyana's Independence - May 21, 2006
Have the US Military Invasions made the world a Better Place to Live in? - May 2006
We Have Capable Women Candidates - August 2006
Poor, Poor Lebanon - August 2006
The Success and the Failure to Prevent the Success - Sept 2, 2006
October 5, 1992 Ushered in the New Day - Oct. 5, 2006
Letter from Janet Jagan to President Lula da Silva, Brazil - Oct 30, 2006
The Current and Sad Situation in Iraq - October 2006
The Importance of the Political Affairs Committee - November 2006
Will There be Positive Changes Resulting from the US Elections? - November 11, 2006
Aid Traps - December 24, 2006
Will the World's Children be Better off in 2007 - Dec. 30, 2006
Articles 2007
A Bit of History About Women and the Vote - Jan 27, 2007
Time to Reverse the Decision - Feb. 10, 2007
Valentine's Day 1997 - Feb. 17, 2007
Trying to Rewrite History? - Feb. 24, 2007
The Brutalities of War - March 24, 2007
Address at Dr. Jagan's 10th Death Anniversary at Babu John - March 2007
Migration - A Dirty Word? - April 29, 2007
That Mustique Affair - May 5, 2007
A Woman of Courage - June 2007
Upholding the Convention on Child Labour - June 24, 2007
A Success Story - One of Many - July 14, 2007
Increase the Retiring Age - August 11, 2007
Time to Rejoice - Oct 5, 2007
Mercenaries in Iraq Outnumber the Military - October 13, 2007
Divisive Mischief - October 28, 2007
Remembering 1947 - Nov 3, 2007
November 1947 - A People`s Victory - November 10, 2007
Dr. Jagan 60 Years Ago- A Voice Calling for Justice - November 17, 2007
Protecting our Environment - Nov 24, 2007
The Battle Against the Abuse of Women - Dec. 1, 2007
How it was Then - December 6, 2007
A Consistent Aim for a Better Life for All Guyanese - Dec. 8, 2007
We Have a Good Health Care System - Dec. 15, 2007
Will the US Continue its Threats Against Iran? - Dec. 22, 2007 (PDF Doc)
Articles 2008
The Advocacy of A New Global Human Order Moves Another Step Forward - Jan 2008
Facing Up to Climate Changes and Global Price Increases - January 2008
An Achievement We Can Be Proud Of - Jan 13, 2008
Torture is a Dirty Word - January 2008
Wanted: A United Trade Union Movement - January 2008
Time For Unity Against Cold-blooded Killers - Jan 31, 2008
Who Wants a Gutter Media? - Feb. 8, 2008
Vilifying our Volunteer Community Police - Feb 14, 2008
The Quality of Justice - Feb 16, 2008
Unity With One Purpose - to Protect the Nation - February 2008
On Bombs and Human Rights - 2008
Double Standards - March 2008
Be Proud of Our Gains! - March 2008
The Struggles of Women Must Continue - March 2008
Going Nowhere on the 5th Anniversary of the Iraq Invasion - March 2008
Phantom Aid - March 29, 2008
Obama's Philadelphia Statement - April 5, 2008
WPO's Contribution to Women's Rights - April 2008
Crisis in the Classroom - April 2008
Congrats to our Women who Serve in all Areas of Life - April 2008
What's Happening in Our Society? - April 2008
A Look at the Status of Press Freedom in the Past - May 10, 2008
Something to be Proud of - May 2008
Why is there so much Crime? - May 2008
Something to Shout About - May 2008
The Umana Yana Serving Guyana's Wide Diversity of Interests - June 2008
Backing Obama - June 2008
The Accuser Stands Accused - June 21, 2008
When Will We have a Clean and Truthful Media? - July 2008
Moving Closer to our "Continental Destiny" - July 2008
Seeking to End Violence Against Women - July 2008
Stronger Family Means more Stability - July 2008
A Shame on Humanity - August 2008
Crime and Punishment - August 2008
Still Alive - AID With Strings - August 2008
Buy Local? Or Buy Local! - August 2008
Carifesta X - A Positive and Exhilarating Contribution - August 2008
Protection and Achievement - September 2008
For a Balanced and Honest Media! - September 2008
All that Glitters is not Gold - September 2008
Big Changes Needed in the USA! - September 2008
Gossip Influenced Surveys- October 2008
High Hope for a Change in the USA - October 11, 2008
The Real Costs of War - October 2008
A Service for which we can Feel Proud - October 2008
Democratic Renewal of Our Society- Oct 2008
The Last Lap - November 2008
So Far, the Recession Hasn't Hit Guyana - November 2008
Providing Skills to Reduce Unemployment - November 2008
The Plight of the Refugees - November 2008
Some of the Problems President Obama Faces - November 2008
Some Social Ills that Need Correcting - December 2008
A Fresh Approach - December 2008
For a Nuclear Free World - December 20, 2008
Articles 2009
Justice to Guyana's Workers - 2009
On Human Rights - January 2009
Fulfilling an Election Promise - February 2009
Obama's First Days in Office - February 2009
The Reality of our Democracy - 2009
End the Carnage in Gaza - Jan 10, 2009
Two Heroes Worth Their Salt - Paul Robeson and Cheddi Jagan - March 2009
Vilifying Our Volunteer Community Police -2009
Safeguarding People through Community Policing - 2009
Time to End the Cold War on Cuba - 2009
Welcome to Local Government Elections this Year - March 25, 2009 (Last written article)
Reminiscences of Cheddi Jagan by Janet Jagan
When Grandpa Cheddi was A Boy - 1990
7165 We Will Carry the Torch He Lit - March 10, 1997
Dolly Yellow Breast and Uncle Cheddi - 1997
7185 Cheddi Jagan: 50 Years as a Parliamentarian - Oct. 09, 1997
7219 Walking Alone? - March 1998
7223 Inaugural Lecture at Cheddi Jagan Lecture Series - 1999
7231 Cheddi Jagan - The years 1943 to 1948 - 2000
7266 Remembering Cheddi - 2001
7273 Cheddi Jagan - The Dentist - 2002
7275 Cheddi Jagan -1964-1966 - 2002
7274 Cheddi Jagan - The Man - 2002
7259 A Piece of Guyana's History - 1953-1955
7285 Five Years After - 2002
7271 Cheddi Jagan - A Real Life Success Story - March 3, 2002
7278 Cheddi - A Unique Leader - March 9, 2003
7279 Remembering Cheddi - National Unity Should be the Watch Word - 2003
7287 Remembering Cheddi - March 2004
7296 Remembering Cheddi - March 2005
7303 Cheddi Jagan - Man of the People - March 2006
7318 Valentine's Day 1997 - Feb. 17, 2007
7321 Address at Dr. Jagan's 10th Death Anniversary at Babu John - March 2007
7243 November 1947 - A People`s Victory - November 10, 2007
7244 Dr. Jagan 60 Years Ago- A Voice Calling for Justice - November 17, 2007
7328 The Advocacy of A New Global Human Order Moves Another Step Forward - Jan 2008