Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
Dedicated to Cheddi & Janet Jagan
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Tributes to Cheddi Jagan

Remembering Cheddi Jagan in Prose & Verse

When Dr. Jagan died people from all walks of life sent in poems and verse to his family and to the newspapers, showing their love and loss. Many of the tributes below (*) were included in a volume Cheddi Jagan Tributes in Prose and Verse that was edited by David Dabydeen in 1998. Many others were never published. We are honoured to showcase them here. If you have or know of others not listed here please contact us with a copy. Enjoy!

Abbensetts, R. William - For a Fallen Hero
Abrahim, Joseph Ally - For Cheddi
Ankervill Development Association - Following Cheddi's Example
Aurora School Children - Treasures
A Tribute 
Badunauth, Yasoda - A Hero  
Bissundyal, Churaumanie  - The Orange Tree
Bissundyal, Churaumanie - It is Not Dusk, Nor a Death of Dreams NEW
Bowry, Stephanie - The Last Journey  
Budhu, Anil - United We Stand
Carew, Ian - Requiem for Cheddi Jagan
Cecil, Gideon S - In Memory of President Cheddi Jagan
Collins, Joan - Thoughts on President Jagan's Death - March 9, 1997
Conway, LLoyd M. - King of Kings
Coonjah, Juliet - A Tribute to Our Hero
Chanderpal, A. B. - To Cheddi With Love

Chanderpal, Navin - Cheddi Lives in You and Me
Dabydeen, David - Cane
Daniels, Lester - Cheated bur Never Defeated
Esquivel, Kathy -Time to Rest

Fraser, Philip - His Excellency
George, Wendell - United and Free
Gopaul, Carol - Last Respects
Hoosein, Lisa - A Tribute
Jagan, Janet - Dolly Yellow Breast and Uncle Cheddi - 1997 
Jagan, Nigel - Ahwe jagan (For Uncle Cheddi)
Jagnarain, Kasinauth - Following Cheddi's Example  
Jailall, Peter - Cheddi Jagan's Legacy

Kumar Kesh - The Great
Kanhai, Richard - A Glimpse: The Emancipators of Man
Lamming, George -  Change His Dream
Mahesk, Robert H. - The True Father
McDonald, Ian -  Death in the Family
Mohani, Danny - A Tribute to Dr. Jagan in Song
Monar, Rooplall - For Cheddi B. Jagan
Monar, Rooplall - President
Moore, P. - Poem Dr. Jagan Hero
Motilall, Rev. Surujlall - Dr. Cheddi Jagan, transiting and short stop over in the Netherlands
Morgan, Timothy I.- Guyana's Revolutionary Son
Mortley, David - Cruel Death
Muniram, Hemraj - A Pen and a Microphone  
Muniram, Hemraj - There Was A Man 
Naidu, Janet - Bells of Truth
Nobrega, Cecil - Tribute to Cheddi Jagan - November 1961 
K.N.P - The Dawn I Created
Parvatan, Vibert - Farewell Dr. Jagan - 1997
Persaud-Edwards, Parvati - Cheddi Berret Jagan
Peters, A. - Afterword NEW
Ramdass, Harry - Dr. Cheddi Jagan -
Rampersaud, Krishna - For Cheddi - Man of Destiny... A Nation Still Mourns
Ramroop, Joe - Poem for Cheddi Jagan
Remembering Dr Cheddi Jagan - What Was He Seeking?
Richmond, C. James - Hush Awhile
Roberts, Hemwattie - You Left Waving
Rodrigues, Basil - He Stands Tall

Sankar, Nikhil - Tribute to Cheddi Jagan: (Sunset) New
Scott, E - Freedom Fight NEW
Singh, Diah - President Cheddi Jagan
Singh, Doodnauth - For Cheddi Jagan
Singh, Pooran - A Tribute to Dr. Cheddi Jagan 
Singh, Saywack - Get Well Dear President
Singh, Saywack- Gone but Never Forgotten

Singh, Seopaul - Dr. Cheddi Jagan's Freedom Fight
Sookdeo, Dillis - From Night to Day
Sookdeo, Jaikisoon - Truth Sets You Free
Sukhai, Sharon - A Fallen Star
Taitt, Helen - Spirit*  
Torch, Tony -
He's a Champion
Vaughn, Richard - The Price of Love - Cheddi Jagan (Video Documentary)
W.A. - A Good Man
W.A - Farewell, Farewell  Cheddi 

Yaria, J - Ingratitude to a Great Son

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