New Global Human Order

Dr. Jagan addressing the
United Nations in 1993
United Nations in 1993
Articles on Dr. Jagan's New Global Human Order
Rohee, Clement - Remarks on the Occasion of the Launching of Manifesto 2000 for A Culture of Peace and Non-Violence - 1999
Edmunds, Dr. J . - Alleviation Of Poverty In The Context Of "A New Global Human Order" as Adumbrated by Dr. Cheddi Jagan
Rohee, Clement- NGHO - Quality, Human Development and Integration - August 2000
Rohee, Clement - Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs at the 55th Session
of the United Nations General Assembly UN Headquarters, New York - September 2000
United Nations General Assembly Adopts Guyana`s Resolution on the Promotion of a New Global Human Order - November 2000
The Role of the United Nations in Promoting a New Global Human Order Purpose - Nov 2000
Insanally, Rudy - The United Nations and the New Global Human Order - January 2001
The Role of the United Nations in promoting a New Global Human Order, November 2002
Ishmael, Odeen - Promoting a New Global Human Order - February 20003
Misir, Prem - New Global Human Order, Globally Recognised - March 2006
Ramkarran, Ralph - Cheddi Jagan`s Global Human Order - Aug 2006
Ramsammy, Leslie - New Global Human Order - Aug 2006
Rose, James - Why a New Global Human Order - Aug 2006
Jagan, Janet -The Advocacy of A New Global Human Order Moves Another Step Forward - Jan 2008
Rodney, Eddi - The Internationalisation of the New Global Human Order
Ishmael, Odeen - Wider international support for the New Global Human Order - Jan 22, 2008
Cheong, Ron & Doobay, Danny - Building a Continuous Feedback Loop - June 11, 2009
Ally, Hydar - NGHO - Grassroot Democracy - April 7-, 2010
Rampersaud, Rajendra - The Case for a New Global Human Order (PDF DOC)
International Support for the NGHO - 2012