Speeches made at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
CJ Lecture Series at York University, Toronto, Canada
The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre - Lecture Series
Special Conference on the New Global Human Order
Journal of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
Speeches made at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
Dr James Millette - Great Admirer of Dr. Cheddi Jagan 2000
Global Transformation and its Challenges by James Millette 2000
The United Nations and the New Global Human Order by Ambassador Rudy Insanally - 2001
A Vision of Human Development by Dr. Clive Thomas - 2002
"Dr. Cheddi Jagan - Glimpses of an Internationalist" by Odeen Ishmael - 2002
Public Symposium on occasion of 5th Anniversary of the
Passing of Dr Jagan - Presentation by Komal Chand, President of GAWU - 2002
Cheddi Jagan, Personal Glimpses by Gail Teixeira - March 2003
Ishmael, Dr. Odeen - Cheddi Jagan's Vision for Caribbean and Hemispheric Integration (March 2004)
Ralph Ramkarran - Cheddi Jagan's Global Human Order - August 2006
Rose, James - Why a New Global Human Order Aug. 2006
Ramsammy, Leslie - New Global Human Order Aug. 2006
Humphrey, Chester - Cheddi Jagan - His life, time and impact on Caribbean Political Thought - March 22, 2007
Rohee, Clement- Cheddi Jagan - His Life and Work in the Legislative Council - March 2008
Anthony, Dr. Frank - Dr. Jagan's People Centred Approach to Development - March 2010
Joseph, Kenneth - Remarks by Kenneth Joseph, General Secretary - FITUG - April 2010
Bousquet, Earl - The 2011 Cheddi Jagan Memorial Lecture - March 22, 2011
Chase, Ashton - Dr. Cheddi B. Jagan - March 2013
The Annual Dr. Cheddi Jagan Lecture Series by Dr. Ralph Gonsalves - April 2015 Video
Benn, Robeson - Cheddi Jagan- The Relevance of his Ideas in Contemporary Society April 2023 Video
CJ Lecture Series at York University, Toronto, Canada
Inaugural Lecture by Her Excellency, President Janet Jagan - March 27, 1999
2nd Jagan Lecture by Winston Dookeran - "Development: Challenges Ahead for Small States" - April 15, 2000
4th Jagan Lecture - March 2, 2002 - George Lamming (PDF file)
5th Jagan Lecture - March 20, 2004 - Michael Dash - The Disappearing Island: Haiti History and the Hemisphere (PDF file)
7th Jagan Lecture - Walton Look Lai - March 20, 2007 - They came in Ships : Imperialism, Migration and Asian Disporas in the 19th Century (PDF file)
The Inaugural Cheddi Jagan Lecture (New York) - August 18, 2002
The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre - Lecture Series
The Conference Hall is located on the 1st floor of the Centre. It is instrumental in organizing lectures and discussions at all levels to formulate projects that will seek to implement Dr. Jagan’s vision of a New Global Human Order. Four lectures were held during 2001.
A lecture "The United Nations and the New Global Human Order” by Ambassador Rudy Insanally on January 5, 2001
A lecture “African Writing in the 18th Century British Slave Narratives" by Professor David Dabydeen on September 3, 2001
A lecture “Trade Unionism in Guyana. The Struggles of the Forties and Fifties" by Mr. Ashton Chase SC, OE on November 21, 2001
A Symposium “The Literary Genius of V.S. Naipaul” with panellists Dr. David Dabydeen, Mr. Al Creighton, Mr. Ian McDonald and Ms. Ryhaan Shaw on December 14, 2001
The 2002 Lecture Series began with a lecture on March 14, 2002 "Dr. Cheddi Jagan - Glimpses of an Internationalist" by Dr. Odeen Ishmael.
The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre in May 2002 presented a one-hour-long BBC film entitled, By any Other Name. The CJRC announced the film as, "A New System of Slavery: Indian Indentured Labour in Guyana, Fiji and South Africa" The Guyana bit in the production was anchored by Dr David Dabydeen and a great grand-daughter of Mahatma Gandhi anchored the South Africa end. The documentary was beautifully done, quite in keeping with standards one associates with the BBC. The screening was very well attended; indeed, there was standing room only by the time the show started.
Special Conference on the New Global Human Order
Georgetown, Guyana April 7-9, 2010
The Government of Guyana and the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre will be hosting a Special Conference on the New Global Human Order in Georgetown, Guyana from April 7 to 9, 2010.
The Opening Session will be held at the Umana Yana on Wednesday April 7 at 17.00 hrs.
The Working sessions will be held on Thursday April 8 and Friday April 9 beginning at 09.00 hrs each day at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre, Red House, Georgetown.
We cordially invite all interested individuals and organizations to participate fully in the Conference.
The Proposal of the New Global Human Order was initiated by the late President of Guyana, Dr Cheddi Jagan and has received the support of the United Nations General Assembly in Resolutions entitled “The role of the United Nations in the promotion of a New Global Human Order “ in 2000, 2002 and 2007.
The latest Resolution in 2007 which was co-sponsored by 74 countries and unanimously approved, requested “the Secretary General to submit to the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report on the implementation of the present resolution and to include in that report an assessment of the implications of inequality for development.”
The 65th Session will begin in September 2010.
This Conference is being held to assist in the strengthening of the Concept of the NGHO in the context of the severe impact of the global financial crisis and the many varying approaches to development proposed by other world leaders and experts.
There will be 6 working sessions as follows:
1. Background information on the origin and development of the NGHO concept
2. Panel 1 - The relevance of the NGHO in the UN Development Agenda and the linkages with UN Declarations and Action Plans and Proposals by other Countries
3. Panel 2 - The role of the NGHO in the global effort to deal with the global financial crisis and the deteriorating social conditions
4. Panel 3 - The role of the NGHO in the effort to improve the architecture for global governance; for world peace, democracy, recognition of people’s rights and social justice
5. Panel 4 - Refreshing the NGHO Concept in the form of concrete proposals that define the NGHO for presentation to the UN General Assembly
6. Identifying Strategies for the further promotion of the NGHO globally
Journal of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre

The Journal Vol 1, contains some of the lectures delivered at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre annually during the month of March. This Journal will be published annually. It is on sale at the Centre.
Lall, Kellawan - The West on Trial - Book Review
Insanally, Rudy - The United Nations and the New Global Human Order - 2001
Ishmael, Dr. Odeen - Cheddi Jagan's Vision for Caribbean and Hemispheric Integration (March 2004)
Teixeira, Gail - Cheddi Jagan, Personal Glimpses - March 2003