About the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
Fund-raising activities for the CJRC
CANADA: A fund-raising Dinner/Dance was held on June 1, 2001 in Toronto.
GUYANA: A fund-raising dinner was held on March 2, 2002 at the La Meridian, Pegasus Hotel organised by the Centre which was a huge success.
The Centre also conducted a Family Fun evening at State House on Sunday March 24, 2002 under the theme "Remembering Cheddi 2002". It was a great success with large numbers of people in attendance on the lawns of State House.
The stage show which was a smashing success and the highlight of the occasion, included songs, dances, readings and a fashion show. A large photographic exhibition of Dr. Jagan's life was also on display.
There was a drawing of three gate prizes and seven prizes in a country-wide raffle to raise funds for the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre.
ENGLAND: A cheque was presented to Ms. Janet Jagan by Mr. Faiyaz Alli in March 2002 for the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre from the Cheddi Jagan Memorial Cup group in London.
The Cheddi Jagan Memorial Cup competition takes place yearly on the last Sunday in July in London, England by cricket teams made up of Guyanese-born cricketers.
Mr. Kamal Persaud and Mr. Faiyaz Alli are active in the Memorial Cup competition and have arranged the donation to the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre from their fund raising activities.
They have invited any Guyanese who will be in London when the cricket competition takes place in July to make contact at these telephones: 020-7916-6163 or 020-8621-4270.
CANADA: A Lunch and a Cultural show was held on April 21, 2002 in Toronto to commemorate Dr. Jagan's life and work. There were songs, poetry, dances and comedy. A video on the Centre was also seen along with a beautiful photographic exhibition of Dr. Jagan's life and struggles. All funds from both events were donated to the Centre.
CANADA: A Lunch and a Cultural show was held on March 23, 2003 in Toronto to commemorate Dr. Jagan's life and work. There were songs, poetry, dances and comedy. A video on the Dr. Jagan's life was also seen along with a beautiful photographic exhibition of his life and struggles. Proceeds from all events were donated to the Centre.
ENGLAND: Nail biting finish to tenth Cheddi Jagan cricket competition in London - Guyana Overseas triumph for the fourth time, Monday, August 6th 2007
It could have been the Bourda. Instead it was Greenford West London. As the summer dusk descended, the Cheddi Jagan Cricket competition came to a nail biting climax. At the end of a long day in the field, Guyana Overseas captained by Liliendaal born Pooran Singh triumphed to lift the trophy for a record fourth time. Second were Guyana Cricket Club captained by Mohammed Namaaz from Wakenaam and third MAL Skills, sponsored by the well known Guyanese origin cricketer Monty Lynch and captained by Ramesh Persaud from Cornelia Ida on West Coast Demerara. The first three teams ended up with equal numbers of victories-three each out of four. The competition had to be decided on the fewest wickets lost. It was that sort of event -a day to remember.
Summer has been grim in the UK this year-rain, rain and more rain. For this one day-Sunday 29th-the clouds lifted and the sun shone all day long, although the start was delayed as it did take a while to dry out the pitches. Once it began, competition between the five teams was conducted keenly but mainly in a spirit of fair play. Matches were reduced from ten to eight overs per team and it was very encouraging to see the level of interest still in the diaspora in playing cricket and playing it seriously and in turning out in the proper attire.
The cricket matches became a sideshow to a Fun Day for many Guyanese. Up to 300-of all races-came in the course of the day. The more the sun shone, the more showed. Impromptu barbecues and cookshops sprung up. Families determined to have a day out with their 'own'. The rich smells of the Caribbean infested the West London air. National flags and more were on sale and on display. Generations could hunker down together.
Some prominent individuals attended including cricketer Lynch (of Surrey and England) who displayed his skills at dominoes as well as the better known ones, barrister Ravi Sukul the English version of Vic Puran and surely due for a return to Guyana and some legal recognition soon and High Commissioner Laleshwar Singh who spread bonhomie amongst the crowd. They were entertained by an overloud sound system playing Guyanese classics all day long. The whole event -set up and run with much aplomb by Faizal and Patsy Downey- is in aid of good works in Guyana. Net proceeds going to the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre in Georgetown and other deserving causes in Guyana.
On the field, Charles Ramson Jnr, the scion of a Guyanese legal family studying in the UK at present, shone with the ball and ended up with the trophy for best bowler. Lee Nurse triumphed with the bat and won the best batsman award and the best all round player award went to Farouk Gafoor.
As it enters its second decade, the Cheddi Jagan Memorial Competition has become a firm fixture in the calendar of the UK Diaspora, deservedly so in view of last Sunday's excellent run off.
By John Mair in London
ENGLAND: Another tangible gesture of support and encouragement for the work and activities of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (CJRC) was made last week - June 2007
Senior IT Consultant at Warwick University, England, Mr Martin Cox, donated a valuable scanner (MP Scantel 4400c), as well as a laser printer, which will facilitate advanced image profiling and retain advanced archival material.
The presentation was made to Mrs Janet Jagan, widow of Dr Cheddi Jagan, former First Lady and President of the Republic of Guyana.
This equipment was presented at the expense of Mr Cox and will improve indexing and cataloguing the historical documentation associated with Cheddi Jagan. This year’s Cheddi Jagan Memorial Lecture that marked the 10th anniversary of his death was sponsored by Warwick University, an institution that hosted several visits by Dr Jagan from 1988 onwards.
Also present at the ceremony was CJRC researcher, Premchand Das, CJRC administrator, Dudley Kissoore and Professor David Dabydeen, head of the Caribbean Studies Centre at Warwick University and Guyana’s ambassador to UNESCO.
GUYANA: Annual Fund Raising Activity "Red House Family Fun Day" is set for Saturday 25th October, 2008 at 1600 hrs (4:00 pm).
The Journal, containing some of the lectures delivered at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre annually during March is on sale at the Centre for GYD $1,000.
ACG –UK Branch donated $500 to assist in buying a photocopier in 2008
Association of Concerned Guyanese, Toronto has donated: 1 Server, 2 Computers, 3 keyboards, 3 Mouse, 3 Wireless-N USB Network Adapter, 1 Wireless –N Broadband Router & 2 Flat screen monitors
On February 22, 2011 the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre, received a donation of GYD $150,000 in memory of Comrade Sydney Basdeo (Macandrew) Eteweria. The cash was handed over by Desmond Mohamed on behalf of his other friends in London, England.
Some knew Sydney as Syd, others referred to him as Mac, but they all recognize his lifelong admiration and support for the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s ideals and achievements for the people of Guyana. In his own way, Syd was a true disciple of ‘Cheddi Jagan’.
Syd would have been 79 years old on February 10th He left his native letter T village, Berbice in 1956 to study Civil Engineering in London England. He never returned to Guyana, but Guyana was embedded in him. His whole life was consumed by the plight of the people he left back home.
In the Peoples Progressive Party UK Branch, (and the British Labour party), Syd found a home for his brand of politics. He believed that the people at the bottom of the social and economic ladder are the ones he should help to get what they deserve in a world corrupted by those who put money before people.
Wherever Syd went, he was seen with the same old bike, similar track suit and the same battered carrier bag. To those who did not know him, he would appear to be lacking the “so-called’ necessities of life. But Syd was a very rich man. He was rich in the strength of character that made him comfortable to be judged for his human nature and not for the material things to many of us burden ourselves to have.
Fittingly, his certificate of death states ‘politician as his profession. His work and achievement may not have the widespread publicity as his idol Dr. Cheddi Jagan, but his integrity and dedication will stay with his friends forever.
Mr. Desmond Mohamed from the Cheddi Jagan Memorial Trophy Cricket Competition (UK) handed over a Projector to the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre.
Mr. Desmond Mohamed handed over a monetary donation on behalf of Morris Persaud and his mother, Mrs. Persaud to the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre. The money is earmarked to assist making the new scans of papers available on the new computer system and will go to developing & supporting the web-site for accessing these historical documents.
Dr. Dionne Fries – Management Committee Member of the Centre received these donations which will assist in preserving the legacy of Dr. & Mrs. Jagan.
The handing over ceremony was on Tuesday 3rd December, 2013 at 2:00 pm at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre - 65-67 High Street, Kingston, Georgetown.
The Association of Concerned Guyanese, Toronto, Canada handed over a monetary donation to the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre on May 25, 2014. These donations which will assist in preserving the legacy of Dr. & Mrs. Jagan.
If you would like to contribute to this worthy cause please send your cheque made out to the "Cheddi Jagan Research Centre" to the address below:
Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
Red House
65/66 High Street, Kingston
Georgetown, Guyana, South America