Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
Dedicated to Cheddi & Janet Jagan
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Site Updated:
October 11, 2024

CJ Archive files have been updated

JJ Tributes

CJ Tributes

Video documentary - The Price of Love: Cheddi Jagan - by Richard Audley Vaughan

Link to dLOC - Digital Library of the Caribbean - CJRC page

March 2024 activities in Guyana to commemorate the lives of Cheddi & Janet Jagan

March 2023 activities to commemorate the lives of Cheddi & Janet Jagan

Visit our newly updated Archives of the CJRC - it has just been updated so you may need to refresh the page - press Ctrl+r, or Ctrl+F5

Journal of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre

The Thinker Vol 1 

The Thinker Vol 2

The Thinker Vol 3

The Thinker Vol 4

The Thinker Vol 5

The Thinker Vol 6

The Thinker Vol 7

The Thinker Vol 8

The Thinker Vol 9

The Thinker Vol 10 NEW

First Day Cover Stamp to Mark 100th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Cheddi Jagan

First Day Cover Stamp to Mark 100th Birth Anniversary of Mrs. Janet Jagan

2018 Calender - Celebrating 100th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Cheddi Jagan

Red House home of the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre. The Jagan's also lived here from 1961 to 1964 when Dr. Jagan was Premier of British Guiana.

Welcome to our website dedicated to the memory of Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Mrs. Janet Jagan, both former Presidents of Guyana.

Book Review: Janet Jagan: Freedom Fighter of Guyana - 2024


The Price of Love: Cheddi Jagan - documentary by Richard Audley Vaughan


Read Dr. Jagan's article on the Palestine Issue - 1982

End the Carnage in Gaza - by Janet Jagan -January 10, 2009


The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (CJRC) was officially opened on March 22, 2000 which was the 82nd birthday anniversary of Dr. Cheddi Jagan. The CJRC is dedicated to making available to Guyana and the world, the very rich collection of materials which captures the visionary thoughts and revolutionary ideas of the late President of Guyana, Dr. Cheddi Jagan (1918-1997).

The centre houses a large archival collection of papers, documents, photographs, audio and DVDs related to Dr. Jagan’s long and enduring involvement in leading the political struggle in Guyana and at the global level. Dr. Cheddi Jagan is the Father of the Guyanese nation and a renowned and respected statesman. His immense stature in Guyana, the Caribbean and the world at large stems from his ground-breaking contributions in numerous stages of the struggle for a better life for the people of Guyana and the world at large. These include:

1. The struggle against the British to end colonial rule through political independence.

2. Governing for the benefit of the Guyanese people in the colonial period in 1953 and 1957 to 1964 and as the 1st democratically elected President of independent Guyana from 1992-1997 and Mrs. Jagan's presidency 1997-1999.

3. The international struggle for an end to poverty and inequality through a New Global Human Order.

The CJRC’s aims and objectives are to publish material and promote research on the life, work and ideas of Dr. and Mrs. Jagan which is intertwined with the history of Guyana as a whole from the early 1940’s to the late 1990’s. Moreover, the collection is indispensable to any analysis of Guyana’s post-war social, economic and political development, since their work and thoughts have had such a powerful resonance with his country and beyond.

Welcome to our website dedicated to the life and work of Cheddi and Janet Jagan.

The year was 1918, when on March 22, in a rural village in Guyana, the remarkable life of an ordinary sugar worker's son began. His name was Cheddi Jagan, and before his time was over he would change the course of his country's history by first struggling to liberate it from British colonial domination, then by waging a 28 year long struggle for the restoration of freedom and democracy, and finally by ascending to the Presidency as Guyana's first democratically elected Head of State.

Alongside Dr. Jagan in all these struggles was his American born wife, lifelong friend and political partner, Janet, who left the USA for life in Guyana where she remained until her death on March 28, 2009. She was a woman of a number of firsts in her long history of involvement in her adopted country's politics. She was to reach the pinnacle as first woman Head of State in December 1997, following the death in office of her husband on March 6, after first serving as Prime Minister.

They were the founders of the country's first mass political movement and unquestionably the leading political figures in the history of Guyana for over the last 70 years. Through their tireless efforts, the small country of Guyana experienced a wealth of benefits, social advancement and economic prosperity.

As international figures they are well known for their fight for peace and freedom around the globe. Dr. Jagan's ideas on debt relief, as well as his proposals for a New Global Human Order, were adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on November 14, 2002. As such, he deserves credit as a major figure in modern history.


BIOGRAPHY: Here you will find a biographical summary of Dr. & Mrs. Jagan's life containing numerous photos.

CJ ARTICLES: Learn about Dr. Jagan's fight for Guyana's freedom, Independence and the restoration of Democracy while reading many of the important articles and speeches he wrote over the period 1942 to 1997. Find out about his proposals for a New Global Human Order which have been adopted by the United Nations. For the full listing of his writing visit the Archives. Independence Articles

CJ TRIBUTES: Read speeches, stories and poetry written about Cheddi Jagan and you will have a clear understanding of why he was called "Father of the Nation," and "The Mahatma Gandhi of Guyana" by the people of Guyana.

JANET JAGAN: Read selected articles written by Janet Jagan, former President of Guyana, during her years in politics from 1942 to 2009. Also read speeches, stories and poetry written about her. For the full listing of her writing visit the Archives. Zoom meeting with Patricia Mohammed - Janet Jagan - Freedom Fighter of Guyana

GALLERY: A collection of rare PHOTOGRAPHS and VIDEOS on various aspects of Dr. and Mrs. Jagan lives, speaking at different forums, being interviewed and sometimes with family.

ARCHIVES: Visit our newly updated Archives of the CJRC. The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre is the largest repository of primary source materials on Dr. and Mrs. Jagan in the world. Significant records which document the social, cultural, economic and political history of Guyana and the fight for independence are housed here. These records are available for historical research.

QUOTATIONS: Cheddi & Janet Jagan's more famous and important quotations. By reading them you will have a chance to quickly understand some of their thoughts, ideals and visions.

THE CENTRE: Information about its location and history and about other places associated with the lives of the Jagans. Find out even more about Dr. Jagan's life and thoughts, purchase his written works and read book reviews on several of his books. Also for sale are books of children's stories by Janet Jagan.

LINKS: Links to websites and documents related to the lives of the Jagan's and the history of Guyana.

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