Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
Dedicated to Cheddi & Janet Jagan
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Friday November 14th, 2014
Martyrdom and Rebirth
(For Navin)

Comrade Navin came out of the womb
Of the Poor People’s Party
The party of cane cutters, farmers and factory workers
Men pulling punts
Women pulling weeds
Children throwing short cane

Courageous Comrade Navin
Came out of the party
Of the Enmore Martyrs
The Ballot Box Martyrs
Michael Forde
Sash Sawh
PPP comrades who struggled
And made the ultimate sacrifice

Teacher Navin was inspired
By our beloved leaders –
Cheddi and Janet
Who taught Guyanese
About the true meaning
Of comrade and courage
Truth and Honesty
About love for the poor
And disenfranchised
They urged us
To build together
Never scatter
And never surrender

Navin Chandarpal – husband, father, brother
Friend, patriot, teacher, poet, scientist
PPP activist
He is our inspiration
Thank you Navin
Live on my brother!
We will rebuild
We will remember you
We will always remember our martyrs
And carry on the struggle!

© By Peter Jailall – Teacher, poet and storyteller